Housing and environment forms and instructions
Building control
Electronic application(lupapiste.fi service)
Paper forms
Application or notice for a building or operation permit
Foreman in charge of applications/announcements
Construction project announcement
Construction right calculation
Extension application for a construction project
Energy report of repair and modification work
Application to establish a building burden
Hearing the neighbor about the construction project
Neighbor's consent to the construction project
Notice of dissolution ja statement on the handling of demolition waste
Report on water procurement and waste water treatment for building permit / operation permit
Landscape work permit application
Small house site inspection document
Exterior paint plan
Other building control instructions and price list:
Construction sequence
Building inspection fees from 1.1.2024 January XNUMX
Building inspection fees from 1.1.2022 January XNUMX
Redemption and shipping fees and copying fees are charged for the documents
Land Use and Building Act and Ordinance
Fire safety instructions for photovoltaic systems
Maps of planning need areas
Construction method instructions
Mortar construction instructions
Suojarinne-Lehtorinne construction method instructions
Ääniemi II construction instructions
Akanniemi construction instructions
Construction instructions for small house areas of the 1940s-1950s
Kanavaharju construction method instructions
Paadentaipaleenvuori's construction method instructions
Mämmensalmi III construction instructions
Construction instructions for Honkola and Hirvaskankaan-Koivisto
Plot services
Plot application for private plots
Plot application business plots, apartment building plots and terraced house plots
Rental plot purchase application
Application for real estate delivery and plot division
Service price list for land use services from 1.9.2024 January XNUMX
Zoning services
Application for planning needs solution or deviation
Instructions for completing the deviation and planning needs solution application
Service price list for land use services from 1.9.2024 January XNUMX
Feedback on the formula project
Trees and bushes in the protection zone of the field
Distances of buildings from the shoreline
Treatment recommendation for coastal forests
Application for changes to the site plan
General plan amendment application 2018
Streets, green areas and traffic
Claim for compensation for a car accident
Logging notification form
Logging notification form(docx)
Application for placement of private lines, structures and equipment, etc. in the city-owned area
Technical administration
Application form for the serial number of the right-of-occupancy apartment
Event permit application
Waste disposal
Heart of Finland waste board forms
Environmental protection
Environmental protection permits and notices and soil extraction
Environmental permit, general notification procedure and registration (ymparisto.fi)
Noise report (ymparisto.fi)
Water license and notices (ymparisto.fi)
One-off notification procedures of the Environmental Protection Act (ymparisto.fi)
Permits and notifications for taking soil materials (ymparisto.fi)
Joint license (ymparisto.fi)
Agricultural environmental protection notices (ymparisto.fi)
Permits according to the Road and Water Transport Act
Composting notice
Announcement of the Sydän-Suomen jäteboardättät about self-composting