The summer workers of the city of Äänekoski did a wonderful job

The city of Äänekoski's summer work went excellently. This summer, the city of Äänekoski employed 133 young people in various jobs for either two or four weeks. Many thanks to all our summer employees for a great summer!
- The city of Äänekoski received praise for the care of the yard areas in particular this summer, thanks to the young summer workers. The investment in the care of the green areas was noticed and especially the cleanliness of Rantapuisto was praised, summer work supervisor Outi Ojanen rejoices.
After the summer work period, the young people were sent a link to an electronic feedback form, and almost half of the summer workers have already answered the survey. The majority felt that the work met expectations, and several feedbacks praised the orientation and guidance provided in the units. Many were also satisfied with the short commute. Young people were asked to give a school grade for the summer work period and the average of the answers is 8,48.
The city offered summer jobs to all willing young people from 9th grade who finished the 125th grade: there were 108 applicants, of which XNUMX young people were employed, eight applicants preferred to be employed with a summer work voucher for a company/association and three applicants preferred to be employed with a summer entrepreneurship voucher.
The city also employed older young people who had already finished elementary school for summer work. There were a total of 105 applicants, of which 25 young people were employed.
- This summer, the main focus of summer employment was park work, and a total of 65 young people took care of the cleanliness of the city's general appearance during the summer. In addition, young people worked in early childhood education (36 people), teaching and youth activities (21), libraries and art museums (5) and swimming pools (4).
- A completely new job this summer was the instructor's job at Huuha's skate park, and next summer the aim is to get loanable skateboards to the place, says Ojanen.
It was possible to take into account the commuting of the young summer workers in some of the tasks, e.g. summer workers from young people living nearby were quite well placed in kindergartens. Most of the summer workers worked in the central area of Äänekoski (95 people), there were 25 summer workers in Suolahti, seven in Konginkanga and five in Sumiais.

The young people of Äänekoski have excellent preparation for summer entrepreneurship
The popularity of the summer entrepreneurship voucher issued by the city of Äänekoski has grown every year. 250 summer entrepreneurship vouchers worth 86 euros were awarded this year, and most of them (39) were given to older young people born in 2005-2006. Popular fields were e.g. gardening, berry picking, domestic help and baking. The feedback received from the young people who received the summer entrepreneurship voucher was mostly positive, and many plan to continue their activities next summer as well.
- The majority of those who reported on business activities had earnings of 300-500 euros, a few worked hard to earn more than 2 euros. Many young people worked as entrepreneurs already last summer, and the successful ones continued with the same concept. Some modified the operation, e.g. by adding new services or investing in marketing. Äänekoski's entrepreneurship education and training clearly provides excellent preparation for summer entrepreneurship, Ojanen states.
In addition, the city of Äänekoski granted 11 employers a summer work voucher, the value of which is 250 or 400 euros, depending on the duration of the employment relationship. Employers employed a total of 38 young people with the support of the city.
Next year's summer work campaign will be announced on the city's website and social channels in January-February.

For more information:
Employment Manager Riikka Hytonen, 040 194 6100,
News published, modified 1.9.2023 at 13:22