The participatory budgeting of the city of Äänekoski fulfills the wishes of the villages
What is unique is that the villages themselves align the projects and commit to them
The city of Äänekoski has been using participatory budgeting for more than five years, where residents have been able to decide on the use of 50 euros each year. Participatory budgeting brings a lot of good to the villages of Äänekoski.

Äänekoski city's culture and sports department annually awards a total of 50 euros in grants for investment projects of village associations and village committees through participatory budgeting. What is unique about participatory budgeting in Äänekoski is that everything genuinely starts from the residents themselves. In Äänekoski, the projects implemented with participatory budgeting are conceptualized and decided together in the village parliament, which includes most of Äänekoski's village associations and village committees.
Many village associations implement longer-term projects, which means that little by little, larger entities can be implemented in the villages. In this way, the allocation of participatory budgeting in Äänekoski provides the greatest possible benefit to as many people as possible.
It is essential that after implementation or acquisitions, the parent associations are responsible for managing the objects and take care of their maintenance. Teamwork, community spirit and commitment increase the value of completed projects.
The projects bring joy to as many people as possible
In Äänekoski, with the allocations set aside for participatory budgeting, an infinite amount has been achieved in the villages - both large and small purchases.
- In Äänekoski, participative budgeting is closely related to the residents' work and commitment to procurement and other investments. This would not be possible without the valuable work of the villagers. The city of Äänekoski enables the investments financially, but the active villagers are responsible for the implementation and the whole village benefits, development manager Tanja Sulin says.
In 2022, through participatory budgeting, air heat pumps and a water storage tank were implemented for Konginkanka village hall (10 euros), and air heat pumps were also purchased for Kalaniemi (200 euros). A new frisbee golf course was built in Koivisto, the nature trail was improved and the renovation of the observation house was continued by acquiring new doors (6 euros). The renovation of Köyhyydenkylä in Rautionmäki was continued (900 euros), a clearing saw, an eco-door and a fireplace were obtained in Suolahti (9 euros). Honkola's frisbee golf course was expanded (550 euros). The village associations of Syvälahti and Vihijärvi continued to enhance Mörköpolu with new signs (7 euros). Mämme got a new eco bath (765 euros). Smaller but important wishes were also fulfilled when Riihilahti bought a potato peeling machine, a vacuum cleaner and a slicing machine (4 euros).
The principle is that the city pays for the supplies, the villagers do the work on the poles, and the associations are responsible for maintenance and care. Working together increases community spirit and cooperation between villages can also be promoted.
In the village parliament, everyone gets to influence and the plans of the villages are discussed together. If some year there are more ideas than there is money, then the village that hasn't received anything yet goes ahead of the others.
Village associations submit grant applications to the city of Äänekoski during February, and the leisure director makes grant decisions in accordance with the guidelines of the village parliament. The projects must be of such a size that they can be implemented during the application year. An account statement must be submitted to the city for the grant.
Everyone is welcome to the next meeting
The village parliament meets four times a year. The next meeting of the village parliament will be held on Thursday 19.1.2023 January 18 at 20-XNUMX in the council hall of the town hall. Everyone interested in participatory budgeting is welcome to join - even those who are not involved in the activities of any association. Young people in particular are welcome to participate in the activity, and we especially want to hear their wishes and development ideas.
- If you don't belong to the village association yourself, you should tell the association of your area about your wishes and ideas, Sulin advises.
Village residents elect one or two representatives from each village to the village parliament. The January meeting will be chaired by the new chairman elected in December Tanja Rämä. Also the city's welfare coordinator Taina Laitinen is participating in the presentation.
The city of Äänekoski encourages residents to boldly participate in the meetings to influence and come up with ideas for future investment sites.
A new theme park is created through participation
As for the center of Äänekoski, the residents have concretely been able to influence the theme of the new playground to be built during next summer 2023, as well as the construction site in the center.
The idea of a theme park came from a child from Tonkosko directly to the mayor. More than 100 residents responded to the location survey, and the majority supported Rantapuisto for its calmness, safety and versatility. More than 800 responses were received to the theme and content survey: the winning themes were the jungle and the underwater world, and the most popular devices were the zipline and trampoline.
Although the direct participatory budgeting projects have so far largely been realized as village investment projects, it must be remembered that most of the investments related to outdoor sports facilities in recent years, for example, have started from residents' wishes and proposals.
Phenomenal ideas can be left On the Äänekoski phenomenon websiteand these residents' development ideas are discussed regularly at the meetings of the development working group of the city of Äänekoski. Ideas are implemented as far as possible, either as city investments or through various cooperation projects, depending on the idea.

For more information:
Vs. leisure manager Jukka-Pekka Pohjolainen, 0400 189 263,
Development Manager Tanja Sulin, 050 440 0813,
News published 29.12.2022, modified 14.5.2024/08/09 at XNUMX:XNUMX