Participatory budgeting of the city of Äänekoski brings a lot of good to the villages
The participatory budgeting and village parliament activities of the city of Äänekoski have already brought desired investments to the villages for a few years. Äänekoski city's culture and sports department budgets a total of 50 euros in village development money each year. - Äänekoski is a pioneer in the development of villages through participatory budgeting, says Tanja Sulin, development manager of the city of Äänekoski.
Everything starts with the residents
At the previous meeting of the village parliament in December, the representatives of the villages praised how work has been done for the villages in recent years, for example in terms of sports facilities, and that an infinite amount of money has been achieved in the villages.
The list is almost breathtakingly long. Last year, the construction of the Saarikka village garden was started with the development money, a tree was purchased for Konginkanka's Pohjoihieka beach, the Koivisto village hall was painted and the refrigeration equipment was renewed there. Riihilahti received a new electric piano and roof ladder, Honkola's Rellunmäki ski slope and Mämmen Metsäpirti a new warehouse. In addition, trees were placed at the two rest stops on Mörköpolu, and the path was partly re-signposted from the direction of both Sumiainte and Suolahti. The old school, which serves as Kalaniemi's village hall, underwent a kitchen renovation. In addition, the villages' nature trails were renovated, signs or information boards were renewed, and Mörköpolku was even digitized.
Participatory budgeting projects must be of such a size that they can be implemented during the same year. - All this would not be possible without the valuable work of the villagers. The city of Äänekoski enables investments financially, active villagers are responsible for implementation and the whole village benefits, says Tanja Sulin.
Unique village parliament activity
The residents of the villages have themselves elected one or two representatives from each village to the village parliament. Matti Hämäläinen is currently the chairman of the village parliament meetings and Tanja Sulin is the secretary on behalf of the town.
The village parliament meets four times a year, and the next time it meets in March, when future development areas are discussed. - The representatives of the villages make an application and budget for the desired development site. The electronic application form will be on the city's website and the application period is February, says Sulin.
The representatives of the villages are already thinking about their plans and budget. Any requests for offers must also be made in advance. The principle is that the city pays for the supplies and the villagers do the work themselves with taluks.
In the village parliament, the plans of the villages are discussed together and it is decided which investments will be implemented. - Village parliament activities are based on the fact that decisions are made together and all villages get to influence. If there are more ideas than there is money, then we prioritize so that the village that has not yet received anything goes before the others, chairman Matti Hämäläinen describes.
According to Hämäläinen, working together has also united the villagers. Villages can also cooperate with each other and get good ideas from each other for their own activities. - Things common to the villages could also be promoted, Hämäläinen thinks.
In Tanja Sulini's opinion, it would be good to reflect the wishes of local young people in the plans of the villages. - One important point here is to get children and young people involved in doing things together. When it's done yourself, it has value, Hämäläinen adds.
For more information:
Development Manager Tanja Sulin, 050 440 0813,

For example, Koivisto village's Piipati log cabin and crevice ladder were made with talc and the materials were obtained from the villages' investment funds. Also in this year's budget, 50.000 euros of village development money has been approved. The application opens on February 1.2.2022, XNUMX, and the application is done using an electronic form via the city's website The application period is until the end of February. The applications will be discussed at the next village parliament in March.

Photos: Matti Hämäläinen
News published 26.1.2022, modified 1.2.2022/07/14 at XNUMX:XNUMX