Äänekoski city information about composting
Even before the law change, Äänekoski had to sort bio-waste out of mixed waste
Äänekoski has already had waste management regulations in force for a long time, according to which bio-waste must be separated from mixed waste on the property. The same sorting obligation will also be introduced on January 1.1.2023, 2022 in the updated waste management regulations, which were confirmed by the waste authority Sydän-Suomen jätalaukunta in the fall of 19.7.2021. The waste act was also changed on XNUMX July XNUMX and bio-waste sorting obligations were tightened nationwide. Äänekoski has already had an obligation to sort bio-waste for a long time, and there has been no change in it, but many have only now become aware of it.
Sorting bio-waste away from mixed waste means either self-composting or joining the separate collection of bio-waste. The sorting obligation also applies to leisure apartments.
The compost register speaks
The Waste Act also included an obligation for the waste authority to maintain a composting register. However, in Äänekoski, the waste authority Sydän-Suomen jätelaukunta collected this information already before the law changed.
The Heart of Finland waste board is notified in writing about composting or its termination. Making a composting declaration will become an instruction again in January 2023 with the upcoming waste bill.
There will be no increased fees for anyone at this point, and the turn of the year is not a deadline in relation to the compost register.
Quite a few people in Äänekoski have already made a composting declaration, because the form has been in use for as long as Äänekoski has been a part of the Central Finland Waste Board.
If the authority finds that the sorting of bio-waste on the property does not comply with the waste management regulations, it points out the matter and gives instructions on how to act. The waste board of Sydän-Suomen also conducts random compost checks in the summer and, if necessary, makes a note about the matter.
If, despite the request, the matter is not taken care of, the authority can impose the price of unsorted waste on mixed waste. However, this only becomes concrete in the event that you do not act in accordance with the given official instructions.
The composting notice can be found here
For more information:
Central Finland's waste board, vs. waste management representative Maija-Leena Peltluoto, 044 4598 249, jatelautakunta@saarijarvi.fi
News published 5.1.2023, modified 6.11.2023/12/38 at XNUMX:XNUMX