The renewable energy strategy of the city of Äänekoski acts as a trend setter
The city of Äänekoski now has a renewable energy strategy approved by the city council on 11.11.2024 November XNUMX, the goal of which is to act as a trend setter for the planned construction of renewable energy in the city of Äänekoski. The renewable energy strategy supports the city strategy and the implementation of the goals of its action programs.
- The strategy is used together with the city strategy as a detailed document in the evaluation of project implementation methods and decision preparation. It describes the state of the city's will at the moment, planning manager Nina Marjoniemi says.
A council initiative was submitted to prepare a wind power strategy in October 2022 and the council decided that it will be implemented. It was decided to expand the strategy to also cover other forms of renewable energy. It deals with wind power, solar energy, hydropower, geothermal energy and bioenergy, for which criteria and principles have been defined for each. The strategy presents the goals, production and use of renewable energy, as well as briefly the starting points of the province and the electricity transmission network. Finally, the strategy lists measures that the city can take to guide residents and businesses towards the goals of the strategy.
Wind power and its effects on the environment have sparked the most discussion in decision-making. Added to the strategy were e.g. that the distance of the wind turbine from the settlement must be at least 2,5 kilometers or ten times the pole height of the wind turbine, and that the wind turbine or its service roads must not be built in the groundwater area or in its immediate vicinity. A sufficient protective distance must also be left near water intakes.
The renewable energy strategy is not a legally binding document, just like other municipal strategies and programs are not. The strategy describes the city's goals and objectives. The authorities working in the city's organization resolve the matters before them exclusively according to the law.
- The possibilities of building a wind farm are always examined with zoning. According to the law, the need for an environmental permit is always assessed on a project-by-project basis and it will be considered during the permit phase after the plan is ready, Marjoniemi says.
The strategy is part of the active climate and environmental work of the city of Äänekoski. We take care of our environment so that we can leave it better for future generations. The goal is to be a carbon-neutral city in 2030.
- Promoting the production of renewable energy plays a central role in the green transition and in strengthening energy self-sufficiency and security of supply. The production of renewable energy also has positive regional economic effects, environment manager Hanna Ahonen says.
For more information:
Zoning manager Nina Marjoniemi, 040 717 7479,
Environmental manager Hanna Ahonen, 0400 893 683,
News published, modified 15.11.2024 at 10:19