The city of Äänekoski invests heavily in versatile summer employment for young people
Every year, the city of Äänekoski invests in summer employment for young people. This year, more than 150 euros have been budgeted for youth summer jobs - as in previous years. It is exceptional that in Äänekoski, every young person who finishes elementary school can get a summer job in the city if they wish. Summer jobs are available in almost all of the city's units, but due to the corona situation, summer workers cannot be hired in elderly care units this summer.
Primarily, the city employs in the summer young people finishing elementary school, but also older young people if possible. Summer job search for the city's youth In Kuntarekry, it is valid from 23.2 February to 13.3.2022 March XNUMX.
In addition, a company or association in Anukkoski can apply for a summer work voucher to support the salary costs of young people in their own locality.
"Practical and inspiring entrepreneurship education"
The city of Äänekoski wants to encourage young people on the path of entrepreneurship. Young people can apply for a 250 euro summer entrepreneurship voucher, which encourages them to employ themselves.
- The city of Äänekoski helps and supports young people to find a summer job and encourages entrepreneurship. The summer entrepreneurship voucher is an excellent option when a young person wants a job that suits them best. The summer entrepreneurship voucher is also suitable for those young people who cannot find a suitable summer job offered by the city or cannot find a summer job in other ways for one reason or another, entrepreneurship education coordinator Mika Matilainen says.
- Summer work can be planned and implemented alone or together with a friend. The initial capital comes from the city and with this money you can have time for many types of entrepreneurship. This is practical and inspiring entrepreneurship education.
For the summer entrepreneurship voucher, the young person must have completed an entrepreneurship course, which can be done either as an optional course at the school or through the Äänekoski 4H Association. For the voucher, the young person also has to make a business plan and at the end of the season a business report.
- Summer entrepreneurship is a good way to try your own interest at a low threshold. Entrepreneurship doesn't need anything big and great, a small idea is enough. You can do the work you like and when it suits you best. Entrepreneurship is a good alternative to a summer job, development manager of Äänekoski 4H Association Sanni Mönttinen says.
The application period is until April 17.4.2022, XNUMX, and the application form with instructions can be found on the city's website.
On February 21.2.2022, 8, the city government outlined that if there are no funds reserved for youth summer employment after elementary school graduates and older youth, the summer entrepreneurship voucher can also be extended to XNUMXth grade graduates this year.
In order to clarify the application process in the future, the selection for summer work will be made based on the year of the young person's birth, and not according to age.

Young people are happy about the wide selection of summer jobs offered by the city of Äänekoski and the possibility of a summer entrepreneurship voucher. They think it's great that young people are given the opportunity to earn their own money by trying.
For more information:
Summer work supervisor Riikka Kapanen, 040 186 4293,
News published 23.2.2022