The city of Äänekoski implements young people's ideas
The city of Äänekoski collected the wishes and thoughts of young people last spring. - at the consultation evening. A total of 88 proposals from young people were received, most of which are feasible and more than half of them were related to the school.
- Most of the young people's wishes can be fulfilled, and even so, it doesn't cost anything. It is great that, together with the young people, we have now looked at what issues should be paid attention to and what issues need to be developed in Äänekoski, the family center coordinator responsible for the city's youth services Petri Oinonen says.
At Äänekoski's middle schools, young people's ideas have already been taken up. For example, desired benches have been arranged for schools and recess activities have been increased. There was also a lot of feedback about school food and the message has been passed on. Food services organized a survey for young people to get more detailed information.
Cafe operation in youth facilities is being expanded
However, youth cafe or night cafe operation in the center of Äänekoski became the top wish of the young people.
The city's working group has surveyed the establishment of a youth cafe, its costs, voluntary actors and the various spaces in the center of Äänekoski. Based on the survey, the city's management team decided that the youth cafe operation for 12-18-year-olds in Äänekoski will continue in Spot and the opening hours will be increased. In addition, K18 evenings and evenings for secondary school students at the youth centers are going to be tried and see if there is a need for them.
- All youth facilities in the city already have weekly youth cafe and kiosk activities, and it is now planned to develop and expand it in Spot. After the C building of the new Koulunmäki school is completed in 2025, the youth cafe will continue in the wonderful youth facilities of the new school, says Oinonen.
- We want to meet young people's wishes for a meeting place, and that is important to us. However, the current economic situation does not allow for any new place in the center of Äänekoski that would be open daily and late into the night, so we use the city's own facilities. However, the new school building and its youth facilities are a big investment from the city and we intend to make the most of them.
The new youth facilities of Koulunmäki school's C-building will have their own entrance from the school's courtyard. The new youth facilities have their own kitchen and other facilities that are well suited for cafe operations.
The city of Äänekoski will organize the next consultation evening for young people next spring.
For more information:
Family center coordinator Petri Oinonen, 0400 115 190,
News published 15.9.2023, modified 5.10.2023/14/12 at XNUMX:XNUMX