Äänekoski high school is a trendsetter in entrepreneurship education throughout Finland
"We do something together that we couldn't do alone"
The entrepreneurship education at Äänekoski high school is top class. Now there is one entrepreneurship course, but starting in the fall, two will be offered, and the contents of the courses are currently being planned together with local companies.

Äänekoski high school is now larger in entrepreneurship education, as it has received four sponsor companies: Äänekoski K-Rauda, Kesport and Power Niskanen, Äänekoski S-market and K-Citymarket Äänekoski / Mika Lankinen Oy. In the fall, more than ten sponsor companies are already involved, and some big players have promised to join.
- Our sponsor companies have thrown themselves fully into this, thanks the high school teacher Mika Matilainen, who coordinates entrepreneurship education in Äänekoski.
- Äänekoski's power and strength is in cooperation. This requires time from entrepreneurs, and time is expensive for them, so being a godfather and the way young people are valued is respectable. The beauty of corporate sponsorship is that we help and support each other. We do something together that we couldn't do alone.
- We teach young people that we can't think about what I can get from this, but what I can give, and at the same time every young person has certainly learned something new and necessary, Matilainen describes.
Increasing the vitality of Äänekoski
Working life cooperation and entrepreneurship education took a real leap forward last week, when a hundred first-year high school students got to work with sponsored companies during the working life and entrepreneurship week. The young people planned the activities together with the sponsored entrepreneurs, implemented the plans and worked in the stores for five days, two of which were event days. During the week, much more work life, interaction and team skills were learned than during a normal school week.
- Now there is real work, in real companies, Matilainen enthuses. - Young people see the importance of flexibility, tolerance of uncertainty and good networks in working life. At the same time, teachers see what kind of skills young people need for working life. Each of us adults can inspire young people with our own actions and example.
Sponsor companies are high school students' partners until the end of their studies, not just for one event.
- This is just the beginning. We are already planning with the entrepreneurs for the upcoming Christmas season and next year's spring adventures. You could say that the high school is now playing its part in increasing the vitality of Äänekoski.
Äänekoski is one of the few cities where entrepreneurship education is getting its own curriculum. At Äänekoski, entrepreneurship education starts from preschoolers, optional entrepreneurship courses are organized for 8th and 9th graders and they are offered a summer entrepreneurship voucher. First and second high school students can also apply for a summer entrepreneurship voucher. In addition, business guests are invited to speak at schools on working life days and Entrepreneur's Day.

Higher education cooperation supports entrepreneurship education
The students of the second year of Äänekoski high school also participated in the joint college week of the high schools of Central Finland last week. There were university courses on offer ranging from 3D printing, sign language, robotics, to the social and health sector.
Äänekoski high school's own cooperation with higher education institutions is close and the course offering is plentiful, and the provincial higher education week brought a nice addition to the offering.

For more information:
Äänekoski high school principal Jaana Tani, 0400 115 205, jaana.tani@aanekoski.fi
High school teacher and entrepreneurship education coordinator Mika Matilainen, 040 624 0406, mika.matilainen@aanekoski.fi
News published 6.5.2022, modified 14.5.2024/07/41 at XNUMX:XNUMX