Äänekoski is moving towards a more sustainable life
According to the Finnish Environment Agency, Äänekoski's greenhouse emissions have decreased more than average

Finnish Environmental Center publication 2022 greenhouse emissions. According to statistics, greenhouse emissions have decreased more than average in Äänekoski. From the peak year of 2006, emissions have decreased nationwide by 36%, and Hinku municipalities' average emission reduction was 40%, while Äänekoski's emission reduction is up to 44%. From central Finland, Jämsä achieved the largest emission reductions, and Äänekoski, together with the city of Jyväskylä, came in second place.
In Äänekoski, residents have made sustainable energy choices and, for example, changed oil heating to a more sustainable alternative. The share of oil heating has decreased by as much as 2021 percent since 28.
- This is quite an improvement that has happened in just one year. We have guided and advised our residents in energy renovations, but the biggest thanks goes to the residents for their own activity. The city has also changed oil to more environmentally friendly forms of heating in its own properties, the environment manager Hanna Ahonen rejoices.
In general, Finnish municipalities' greenhouse emissions are decreasing. Ahonen reflects that technology has developed, consumption has decreased, planning has increased and emissions are now also more strictly controlled.
It is noteworthy in the Environmental Center's results that the Hinku municipalities have, on average, made larger emission reductions. As a member of the Hinku network, the municipality is committed to reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2030 compared to 2007 emissions. Äänekoski was the first to join Central Finland's Hinku municipality in 2019, and Äänekoski has so far reduced its emissions by half of its target.
- The direction is right and significant emission reductions have been achieved through the actions of the city of Äänekoski and its residents. There is still enough work to achieve the joint goals of the Hinku municipalities by 2030, says Ahonen.
The goals of the city of Äänekoski are promoted as part of the city's climate and environmental program, for example, this year the focus is especially on actions aimed at reducing traffic emissions, and in previous years there have been actions related to energy efficiency.
- In Äänekoski, no less than a third of all the city's emissions come from road traffic. The most effective climate actions are thus made by reducing traffic emissions, and they are now being promoted, e.g. Through the resource-wise Äänekoski – Low-emission road transport project and the walking and cycling development plan. Both projects will be completed this year, says Ahonen.
Environmental Manager Hanna Ahonen, 0400 893 683, hanna.ahonen@aanekoski.f
News published, modified 10.6.2024 at 10:17