Äänekoski-Ilmiö invites everyone to participate
Äänekoski's new city strategy is now being implemented from words to actions. Residents can already participate by sharing their own ideas and phenomenal works online.

Äänekoski's city departments are currently drawing up implementation programs based on the strategy, where the content of the strategy is concretized into practical implementation and service promises. Practical measures are also currently being considered in each industry, which will help the residents to participate even more.
- Programs are bundled and their number is reduced from before, so that it is easier to put them into practice. In accordance with the principles of open administration followed in the strategy, residents and users of services should be involved in all stages of the preparation of matters, the mayor Matti Tuononen describes.
With the adoption of the strategy, the implementation of the principles of open administration has also been started among the city's employees, for example by encouraging them to participate for training on the subject. The training material discusses open administration from different perspectives, as well as ways in which everyone can concretely promote openness in their work.
- The structures, operations, services and reform of the administration must be comprehensible to the citizens. People should be able to participate in the preparation of decision-making, the planning of services and the development of a welfare society, head of the open administration unit of the Ministry of Finance Katju Holkeri says.
Ilmiö and people visible on the Ilmiö website
The official strategy contains, exceptionally following the principles of open administration, already exemplary actions to be implemented not only by the city organization, but also by residents and entrepreneurs.
On the Äänekoski-Ilmiö website every resident already has the opportunity to participate in the phenomenon by telling, for example, their own ideas or perhaps by sharing an already implemented phenomenon.
- Everyone can participate. Alone or together with a friend, a hobby or work group, or even among a school class. Every phenomenon also encourages others to participate, says the tourism and marketing designer responsible for Ilmiö-media's content Milla Hytönen.
As the strategy progresses, the Ilmiö website will take shape as an increasingly interactive, collaborative platform. With the help of the website, every resident, entrepreneur and community member can not only see how the Äänekoski Effect is realized in practice, but also participate in its construction themselves.
- The strategy is not only lived by officials and decision-makers, but the Äänekoski-Ilmiö is done together, the mayor sums up.
You can also participate in the phenomenon on social media by using the tags #IlmioTeko and #AanekoskiIlmio in all discussions related to the topic.
For more information:
Äänekoski city manager Matti Tuononen, 040 572 3239, matti.tuononen@aanekoski.fi
News published 1.4.2022, modified 25.7.2024/09/42 at XNUMX:XNUMX