Äänekoski is a city that supports education and life
Äänekoski graduated 23 new positive pedagogy teachers. Now in the city of Äänekoski, there are almost 70 teachers working in schools and early childhood education who have completed the positive pedagogy and comprehensive well-being education training program. Äänekoski also implements a well-being skills curriculum.
Investing in staff training is a big investment for children and young people by the city of Äänekoski. The city of Äänekoski has offered its teachers, also in early childhood education, studies lasting a school year (35 credits) free of charge and they have been allowed to use their working time for studying.
- You can't say that there is no holding power in Äänekoski! Absolutely amazing work that is being done here in Äänekoski. There are great facilities and hard professionals. It is truly unique that personnel are trained as extensively as Äänekoski has been. These are also an absolute trump card for Äänekoski when attracting new teachers or residents to the community. I am incredibly proud of what is being done here, I am an educator at Positive Education and myself from Äänekoski Sanna Kumpu says.
Education gives a lot not only to children, but it has also been revolutionary for many teachers. All the graduates say that the training has increased their own ability to cope and well-being at work.
- Only a healthy teacher can raise healthy children. It's important to be present and listen, special education teacher Maarit Järvenpää toteaa.
- Education increases children's well-being. The student will be heard and seen, he will be listened to. My own class has stated that they are now able to concentrate better, class teacher Soile Vantila more.
- The work starts first from oneself and from being able to look at the teacher's work in a new way. Noticing the good is in the center, trainer and special class teacher Sari Terävä says.
Well-being skills strengthen the child for life
In addition to the national curriculum, Äänekoski has curricula for entrepreneurship education and well-being skills. Äänekoski's Hyväa kaskua well-being skills curriculum was officially introduced in the fall, although it has been implemented at the same time as it has been refined.
With the new curriculum, Äänekoski 1-9. -classes now implement well-being teaching systematically at all grade levels. The well-being of the children and young people of Äänekoski is strengthened with concrete means.
Teachers from every school in Äänekoski have been involved in developing a new well-being skills curriculum. It has been easy to put the plan into practice and get the teachers to commit to it when it has been made together and it has already been implemented in the making phase.
- At first, we had ideas and ran around a lot, but the end result was really good. Clear goals and concrete ways to reach them have now been defined for each age level. In addition to the curriculum, we have a material bank where you can find plenty of exercises for the lessons, a special class teacher who was involved in the OPS work Heidi Vilonen-Kuorinki says.
- The new curriculum is a clear tool for me as a teacher and also for the students. Each teacher can implement and customize the curriculum in their own way. Our class's own things are, for example, that every morning when we come to class, we ask each student what they have heard, we actively practice calming skills and notice successes, the class teacher who was also involved in the curriculum work Johanna Pietiläinen describes.
With the help of well-being skills, every child can have a happy and good life. They help you cope with life's challenges and get along with yourself and other people better. For example, a 9th grader can lead his own actions and thinking, dream and recognize his strengths and use them.
- Well-being skills are like the alphabet of humanity. This is how the city invests in children, young people and their future, Pietiläinen sees.
Learning well-being skills can be one solution to youth malaise and can prevent exclusion.
- Well-being skills also include compassion and self-compassion, and it is especially useful for teenagers. It also helps when the young person understands that each of us often has a hard time in some way, says Sari Terävä.
For more information:
Special class teacher and trainer Sari Terävä, 0400 115 198, sari.terava@aanekoski.fi
News published, modified 29.1.2024 at 12:42