Henttalanmäki's site plan is now legally binding
Preparatory work will be carried out at Metsä Group's factory site in the coming months
Henttalanmäki's site plan and its amendment are now legally binding. The administrative court of Hämeenlinna rejected the appeal against the formula in November. The appellant did not apply for further appeal permission from the Supreme Administrative Court within the deadline.

- If realized, the factory would bring a huge number of new jobs to the area, and above all it would create faith in a better future in this world of uncertainty, the mayor Matti Tuononen toteaa.
Metsä Group is planning the Kerto LVL factory in Äänekoski to meet the growing demand for wood construction. The factory would process softwood veneers by gluing material-efficient and environmentally friendly building materials. The efficiency of the factory would be clearly higher than current plants thanks to the automation of manufacturing, for example.
- We have submitted the factory's environmental permit application and alongside it we are preparing an investment proposal for the company's board. We expect to receive decisions during the spring, and after positive decisions we would immediately proceed with the construction of the factory, Metsä Wood's branch manager Jaakko Anttila says.
- Preparatory works will be carried out in the factory area in the coming months, such as road connections to improve the safety of access to the area, ramparts to protect the environment from possible noise nuisances and other preparatory works for the factory area. The legally binding site plan also creates the conditions to utilize the Henttalanmäki area in the future, if necessary, for the development of our operations, says Anttila.
For more information:
City manager Matti Tuononen, 040 572 3239, matti.tuononen@aanekoski.fi
Vs. planning manager Carita Kosonen, 0400 115 241, carita.kosonen@aanekoski.fi
Metsä Wood branch manager Jaakko Anttila, 050 406 0614, jaakko.anttila@metsagroup.com
News published 16.12.2022, modified 14.5.2024/08/10 at XNUMX:XNUMX