Residents' opinions on the services of the Central Finland welfare area are wanted to support decision-making
Residents of the welfare area of Central Finland have the opportunity to express their opinion about the welfare area's social and health services by answering two surveys on June 30.6-July 31.7.2023, 2023. The surveys map the organization of social and health services as well as remote and local services. More new surveys will be published during XNUMX.
In the surveys, the new, easy-to-use Polis survey platform is tested, which complements the residents' participation opportunities in the decision-making of the welfare area. As the survey platform is in the experimental phase, it unfortunately does not yet support reading programs, and there are no other language versions. You can answer the survey anonymously at
By answering, you can influence the decision-making of the welfare area
In surveys, residents of the welfare area can express their opinions anonymously, easily and constructively. The poll is based on voting for different statements. The respondent is presented with ready-made statements, with which he can agree or disagree or ignore the statement. Respondents can also add their own statements to the survey platform for other respondents to vote on.
- It's worth returning to the survey platform several times to be able to vote on statements added by other respondents, says the project worker Sini Lehtonen.
The results of the surveys will be distributed to the welfare area's regional board and regional council, and they will be used in the welfare area's operations and decision-making.
The Polis survey platform is part of the New Ways of Influence project funded by Sitra
Polis is a new kind of digital survey platform that answers the citizens' wish for an easy, but effective way to participate in the social debate (Sitra survey, 2022). The trial of the Polis survey platform is part of the two-year New Ways of Influence project funded by Sitra, in which the welfare region of Central Finland has been selected. A total of nine well-being areas are involved in the project.
The goal of participating in the experiment is to strengthen decision-making in the Central Finland welfare region based on the needs of service users and residents. In addition, we want to develop customer participation in the welfare area.
For more information:
- Sini Lehtonen, project worker, Central Finland welfare area, 050 409 4975,
News published 3.7.2023, modified 17.8.2023/07/58 at XNUMX:XNUMX