Disability services in the welfare region of Central Finland are developed together with customers - Apply to join the customer participation group!
The disability services of the social and health services of the Central Finland welfare region are being developed together with the customers. The disability services customer participation group, which will start in August, is looking for members from the entire Central Finland region.
People who have been granted disability services can apply for the customer participation group. The customer participation group brings the experience and voice of service users to the planning and development of disability services. The purpose is to involve customers of disability services living in different parts of Central Finland.
Every meeting of the customer participation group always has a theme that has been agreed in advance and is discussed. The customer participation group meets about four times a year, either remotely or on-site. The duration of one meeting is a maximum of 2 hours at a time. The customer participation group is a voluntary activity, so members are not paid a fee. You can participate in the group with an assistant or a support person.
The customer participation group has a total of 10 members. When selecting members, priority is given to applicants who are not currently members of other influencing institutions. The group's activities are always committed for one year at a time, so that as many people as possible can participate in the activities of the customer participation group. The leaders of the group are disability services supervisor Minna Kaipainen and disability services social supervisor Karoliina Kosmaa.
This is how you apply to join the customer participation group of disability services
If you are interested in participating in the activities of the customer participation group, send your free-form application by email By 22.7.2023 July XNUMX and tell us why you want to be developing disability services. Send your email to minna.kaipainen@hyvaks.fi
Selections for the customer participation group will be made by August 15.8.2023, XNUMX.
The first disability services customer participation group will meet via Teams remote connection on Wednesday, August 30.8.2023, 15.00, from 17.00:XNUMX p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. The theme for the first time is the organization of the group and the effects of moving to the welfare area for the clients of the disability service.
Services are built together
The services of the welfare area are planned for the current and future needs of the residents of Central Finland. The most successful services are obtained when customers are involved in developing them.
For more information:
- Minna Kaipainen, disability service supervisor, tel. 040 561 9647, minna.kaipainen@hyvaks.fi
- Karoliina Kosmaa, social worker at the disability service, tel. 040 641 1997, karoliina.kosmaa@hyvaks.fi
- Elina Hienola, service manager of disability services, tel. 050 331 2737, elina.hienola@hyvaks.fi
News published, modified 26.6.2023 at 10:14