Dogs are allowed to swim anywhere except on public beaches
There have been inquiries to the city about permitted bathing places for dogs, and the topic has also been discussed on social media. The city of Äänekoski currently does not have an official place for dogs to swim, but in principle, dogs can swim anywhere, as long as the dog cannot access the public beach.

Äänekoski city general swimming beaches can be found here. (Public swimming beaches are listed on the city's website, but swimming places are not listed, because they are not monitored by the environmental health inspection, and water samples are not taken from them.) Swimming places also have prohibition signs for dogs.
- Every man has the right to swim dogs in areas outside of human swimming beaches, city gardener Tiina Nejlik says.
Last year, a council initiative was made regarding the dog swimming area. In this case, on August 23.8.2021, XNUMX, the urban structure and land use services' response stated that in the current economic situation, it would not make sense to invest in the construction of a swimming area for dogs. The answer stated that, if necessary, the city of Äänekoski could assign a separate swimming place for dogs, e.g. under the direction of the city's zoning action, if it is deemed necessary and the users of the service have a unanimous view on its location. In this case, the city also does not commit to the construction and maintenance of the site.
- Dogs can be swam anywhere, where it is easiest to get to the shore, excluding public swimming beaches and plot areas. We have plenty of light traffic lanes that run along the water's edge, as well as boat launch sites where you can also swim, planning manager Nina Marjoniemi toteaa.

For more information:
City gardener Tiina Nejlik, 040 528 5553,
News published 29.6.2022, modified 30.4.2024/15/01 at XNUMX:XNUMX