Koivisto's new kindergarten is almost ready!
The log school-kindergarten is a wonderful complex in a field landscape, close to everything

A new kindergarten is being completed in connection with the Koivisto school. Koivisto's daycare center will be ready on May 3.5.2024, XNUMX, the yard will be completed during May and the daycare center will be furnished in the summer. Operations in the new premises will start immediately in August. A wonderful school-kindergarten is the heart of the entire village of Koivisto.
The new daycare center is a real investment in the children and families of Äänekoski. There is clearly an order for it, because there are already many applications for next fall's groups.
The approximately 560-square-meter daycare center is designed for approximately 50 children and has facilities for two groups of children with shared spaces. Pre-school education is also available in connection with the school.

Log is an ecological and healthy material
Construction started last summer and the project has remained on budget and on schedule. The cost estimate is 2,4 million euros and will remain there.
The daycare center will be attached to the Koivisto school, which was completed in 2019. There is no difference between the outside and the inside, that they are separate buildings that were made at a different time. For example, the school's former exterior wall inside the kindergarten has been sandblasted and painted so that it is now an interior wall like the other walls.
Originally, Koivisto wanted a log school because it is an ecological and healthy material. P2V Rakennus Oy is the contractor for the daycare center, and in 2019 the school was built by Rakennus-Kaseva.
- The building is a model example of how to nicely and smoothly combine a kindergarten and a school building, and it is the result of successful and careful planning work. The log building has calm acoustics and good indoor air, city structure manager Erika Räihä says.
- The daycare contract has gone well and everything has gone well in cooperation. The communication between the school, the daycare center and the construction site has also been really uncomplicated. The traffic arrangements have gone well, even though there are a lot of children here, says Räihä.

Energy efficiency at its peak
Koivisto's school-kindergarten is as ecological and energy efficient as possible. Energy efficiency has been increased when ventilation and other building technology are controlled by automation and adjustments can be made according to use. The heat recovery is even so good that the efficiency is at best 80%, which reduces the need for other heating.
All new developments in the city of Äänekoski will additionally use solar power, and the roof of the Koivisto daycare center will also have solar panels that can be monitored remotely. Otherwise, the buildings are heated with their own wood chip heating.

Made for kids, listening to users
The light, fresh wooden surface does not echo and brings soft acoustics to the premises. On both sides of the long corridor, there are plenty of spaces for children's groups of different sizes, as well as staff workspaces. The children's spaces are well suited for small groups and the largest space can be divided by a movable wall.
- Thanks to the light wooden surfaces, the kindergarten has a harmonious color scheme, and the bright effect colors do not jump out at the eyes. The effect walls and tiles are bright green and orange, and you can tell from them that we are now on the kindergarten side, Räihä describes.
The daycare center is built for children and you can see it in many details. For example, the toilets have only small toilet seats on the small side, and the sinks and mirrors are low. There is also an "exhibition space" reserved for children's drawings. There will be information screens in the hallways for families as well.
Practicality and the adaptability of spaces are also important; for example, the beds can be hidden in the closet, which makes room for games again. Play is the most important work of the kindergarten!
The users of the premises have been taken into account throughout the project by including them in the planning. Personnel representatives have been involved in every site meeting. Employees have e.g. offices, common work space, small meeting rooms, washrooms and a spacious break room, from which doors also open to the terrace.
You can pass between the school and the daycare center indoors, and the school principal will also get a new office on the side of the daycare center. The daycare center can use the school's gymnasium and other facilities as agreed.
The new building has also been equipped with legal civil protection.

Ready for children and play
New furniture has been ordered for the daycare center, and in addition, furniture will be obtained from the current shelters and from the Ääneniemi daycare center, which will cease operations at Midsummer. The nursery's furniture and equipment are currently being planned.
The kindergarten's fenced playground will be completed by the beginning of June, and new plantings and the usual outdoor play equipment, such as swings, climbing frames and sandboxes, will be provided there. New outdoor storage will be needed for yard toys. A new roundabout has been built in the yard of the school and daycare center, which brings safety and clarity to escort traffic. The school yard with playground equipment will be built later.
- The children are looking forward to getting to the new premises. The children have actively followed the construction and construction site traffic and they participated in the brush raising ceremony. The children may be able to see the inside of the new daycare center already during the spring, the director of the daycare center Tiina Eiramo says.
The Koivisto-Hirvaskangas area is now also being invested in, for example, by zoning a new residential area in Muhluniemi, 18 plots of which will be available for sale in the fall. The village of Koivisto offers a peaceful life in the middle of nature, close to good transport links and functioning local services.

"It will be ready before the cuckoo crows"
Director of Family Services Pirjo Heinonen recited the poem he wrote at the crest-raising ceremony of Koivisto's kindergarten on 3.11.2023 November XNUMX:
A children's house is being built in Koivisto
new light is already shining through the windows.
Construction is a lot of work
the construction site quiets down before nightfall.
Today we celebrate the builders' party
champions lead, don't waste money.
The instruction is to walk carefully on the lot
Remember to close doors and gates.
There are people here with a happy mind
it will be ready before the cuckoo falls.
The children are waiting for the new kindergarten
gray hairs are also happy.
It's good for the children to act here
also gives adults extra strength.
Great to skate on good ice
shape snowmen for shelter from the weather.
Construction will strengthen this school
together we will soon celebrate the children's Christmas.
Äänekoski is the early childhood education municipality of the year
and this is no dream.
The kindergarten people thank you all
there is enough talk about this for years.

For more information:
City structure manager
Erika Räihä
040 762 3811
News published, modified 12.4.2024 at 15:26