According to the results of the school health survey, the young people of Äänekoski are doing better

According to the school health survey, the children and young people from the town of Aunekoski are doing better now than two years ago. The students' own opinion has strengthened and the general satisfaction with going to school has increased. On the other hand, learning difficulties and the development of work peace are issues that Äänekoski also needs to develop.
Every two years, the national school health survey collects follow-up data on children's and youth's well-being, health, going to school and studying, participation, and access to help and services by school and educational institution. Principals and welfare coordinator Taina Laitinen have gone through Äänekoski's results together during the fall, which are even surprisingly good.
- Äänekoski's results now show that attention has been paid to the school's atmosphere and sense of community and a lot of work has been done for it. All schools had in common the experience of inclusion and the fact that the student has the opportunity to influence his own schooling, says Taina Laitinen.
Satisfaction with going to school has increased
The results of Koulunmäki and Suolahti unified schools are pleasing, for example. the fact that satisfaction with going to school has increased, the school atmosphere is perceived as good and young people sleep and move more. The young people feel that they get help and support for their well-being from the teachers. Bullying has decreased at Suolahti Unified School, and bullying situations have now been dealt with very systematically.
- In general, problems related to mood and school exhaustion have decreased. We sleep better and exercise more. In unified schools, however, work peace must be developed in the future through communal activities. And even though the bullying had decreased, the methods of intervention and prevention of bullying must be further sharpened. The empathy skills of children and young people also need to be developed, the assistant principal of Koulunmäki school Seija Hinkkanen says.
The answers from the schools in the green areas of Äänekoski also showed that the work peace, atmosphere and level of participation are good and that the schools feel enthusiastic about school. In the future, we plan to e.g. strengthen student union work and, like unified schools, pay attention to children's empathy skills.
The results of Äänekoski high school are great. High school students can do well in Äänekoski and school burnout has decreased. The students feel that they get support and positive feedback from the teachers.
- We feel a lot of enthusiasm for school and we got above the national figures in all results. The fact that we have enthusiastic and motivated students is already a big achievement, high school principal Jaana Tani rejoices.
It is also noteworthy that in the responses of both basic education and upper secondary school, school meals received a considerable amount of praise, and Äänekoski is satisfied with that.
- The differences between the sexes can be seen in all answers to the school health survey. Now, the boys from Tonokoski are doing better than two years ago, when the boys were more exhausted. Harassment experienced by girls had also decreased since two years ago, on the other hand it had increased for boys, says Taina Laitinen.
For more information:
Welfare coordinator Päivi, 040 55 77 070,
News published, modified 15.3.2024 at 09:53