Bulletin of the municipal association 23.2.2024 February XNUMX
TE services will be transferred to the municipalities
With the strengthening of basic services, municipalities will get more tools to promote vitality
At the beginning of 2025, responsibility for organizing public employment services will be transferred from TE offices to municipalities. The current TE offices will be abolished. At the turn of the year, more than 4000 professionals in employment services will transfer from the state to municipalities or municipal associations. At the same time, the responsibility for organizing employment services also constitutes a new state contribution task for the municipalities.
- At the beginning of next year, the labor service will become part of the basic services of every municipality. In the future, in addition to the municipality's education services, business services and community building, you will also find employment services under the same roof, says the CEO of the Municipal Corporation Minna Karhunen.
- The reform gives municipalities more tools to promote employment and brings the services closer to the citizens, which increases the accessibility and effectiveness of employment services. All these factors together support the goal of faster employment for employees and promote the vitality of the entire region in addition to employment, Karhunen continues.
As a result of the reform, 45 employment regions will be formed in Finland, which will be responsible for the administrative organization of labor services from the beginning of 2025. Most of the regions organize their services using the responsible municipality model, four municipalities organize their services themselves and two regions using the municipal corporation model. With the strengthening of employment areas, all municipalities will be able to advance in regional preparation towards the turn of the year and the implementation of the reform.
- The preparation schedule has been tight, but the preparation has progressed in the regions in a good spirit and on schedule, and the municipalities have already done a good job for the success of the reform at this stage, states the deputy CEO of the Municipal Association Timo Reina.
- With the strengthening of employment areas, we have now moved from national preparation to regional preparation. The Federation of Municipalities strongly supports the municipalities in the preparation. We monitor the progress of the preparation in close dialogue with the municipalities and offer the municipalities change support in taking over the new, expected task and ensuring a smooth transition, Reina continues.
From care towards vitality
With the war reform, the basic services and administration of municipalities changed significantly at the beginning of 2023. After social security services, the role of education services was emphasized in the municipalities. The reform that is now being implemented will further strengthen the versatile basic services of the municipalities, which will increase the possibilities and tools of the municipalities to promote vitality.
- The intention is not just to transfer services and personnel from the state to the municipalities, but to develop labor services to be even more effective, for example by orienting vocational training to better support the employment and the needs of companies in the region, by promoting both the role of integration in managing employment and the role of municipalities in actively attracting talent, if necessary from outside the country's borders, the Vitality Director of the Municipal Association Jarkko Huovinen toteaa.
- Municipalities have a good starting point to take on the new statutory task, and to develop an even more targeted set of services that takes into account the special features of the local labor market and the skills needs of companies. The reform is not only about promoting employment. The range of means for promoting vitality in municipalities is growing, Huovinen continues.
For more information:
CEO Minna Karhunen, minna.karhunen@kuntaliitto.fi, 09 771 2000 Deputy CEO Timo Reina, timo.reina@kuntaliitto.fi, 09 771 2700 Director of Energy Jarkko Huovinen, jarkko.huovinen@kuntaliitto.fi, 09 771 2550.
TE-palvelut 2024 reform on the website of the Municipal Association.
News published, modified 12.3.2024 at 10:55