The general manager came to the house
Äänekoski city's new director of education and training is Niina Rautanen

Master of Arts Niina Rautanen, 34, started teaching and education director at the beginning of August Ville Härtsien retiring. Before his election, Rautanen worked for a short time as Koskela's executive director and principal, and before that, e.g. as the branch manager of the Wiitaunion's cultural activities shared by the two municipalities. Rautanen is a music pedagogue and musicologist by training. He has solid experience in various administrative jobs and in his university studies he has focused on educational management.
The work of the director of education and training is significant for the director in Äänekoski, as the field of education and training is the largest. More than 30 million euros are turned over annually and there are hundreds of employees. In addition to teaching services, the teaching and education sector includes services for children, families and young people, and services for the promotion of well-being. The industry also manages integration services, the importance of which will be strengthened in municipalities from the beginning of next year with the KOTO24 reform.
As a leader, Rautanen wants to look at things above all from the point of view of the entire city organization. Broad scope and equality are essential to him in management.
- I enjoy wide-ranging work and building the overall picture. I think of the city's services as a whole. Cooperation must be played not only within the industry, but also cross-administratively. For example, integration issues are a common issue of both early childhood education and training services, employment services and the vitality unit, Rautanen says.
Rautanen also thinks broadly about the city's facilities: they should serve different user and age groups, and the utilization rates of properties are important.
- Äänekoski has functioning services and this is a suitable sized place. Many things are good here and good work and good decisions have been made in the industry. There are resources here to work in a constructive way, and time does not just pass by putting out fires. We have healthy schools, kindergartens, hobby facilities and plenty of sports facilities. At Äänekoski, the system works versatilely, says Niina Rautanen.

Niina Rautanen and Ville Härtsia managed to work at the same time for a week before Härtsia retired. Härtsiä worked for the city since 1989, and from 2007 until XNUMX he was the director of education and training of the city of Äänekoski.
For more information:
Education and training director Niina Rautanen, 040 514 8102,
News published, modified 30.8.2024 at 16:09