A record 9,35 million people traveled on Linkki public transport in 2024

The popularity of public transport travel is on a steady growth trend in the Jyväskylä region. A record number of trips made by public transport were recorded in 2024, approximately 9,35 million. The growth in travel from the previous year was approximately 7 percent.

A year of major reforms

Linki's operating area expanded in early 2024, and public transport services are now provided to approximately 205 residents in seven municipalities. The new Linkki municipalities are Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Toivakka and Petäjävesi. With the change, Linki's affordable ticket products and convenient electronic services were introduced throughout the area. Due to the regional expansion, Linki's payment zone system was also revised and clarified. The new payment zones cover the entire new Linkki area, while the number of zones was reduced from four to three.

At the beginning of June, the Linki route network reform was implemented, in which public transport in the Jyväskylä and Muurame areas was renewed to serve the needs of increased travel and developing areas. Four new lines, 9, 9K, 45 and 46, began operating, among others. The lines on the most frequently used routes were renewed as Super-Linkki lines with more extensive service than before, which can be identified by their line numbers starting with S (S1–S6) and their purple-hued appearance.

After the new transport agreements came into effect in the summer, the renewal and electrification of the fleet also began. Electrification is an important step towards emission-free public transport in the Jyväskylä region. 64 new electric vehicles were introduced to the public transport system in the Linkki area to replace older diesel buses.

The prices of ticket products had to be revised twice during 2024. The price changes at the beginning of the year were due to the weakened financial situation of municipalities and increased cost pressures, while the changes in June were mainly due to the renewal of payment zones. Before 2024, Link ticket prices had never been increased. Since travel is expected to continue to grow, the aim is to keep the increases as low as possible in the future. The goal is to exceed the 10 million annual journeys mark in 2025.

Statistics and reach

The most popular travel month in 2024 was November (993 trips) and the most popular travel day was Wednesday, December 435 (4.12 trips). Of the Link lines, the most traveled was the Super-Link line S42 (formerly line 837) on the route Kaakkolampi–Jyväskylä city center–Laajavuori–Palokka, with a total of 5 trips. The second most traveled was the Super-Link line S25 (formerly 1) on the route Mustalampi–Jyväskylä city center–Palokka Lehtoniemi, with a total of 405 trips. The third most popular was line 369, which operates from Kangaslampi to Jyväskylä city center and Myllyjärvi/Keltinmäki, with 6 trips.

Of the ticket products, the most used was the adult 30-day season ticket, with 1 journeys. Mobile tickets were used 421 times, and contactless tickets 390 times.

As the number of trips increased, the number of feedback and customer visits also increased. Link received 3513 pieces of feedback regarding public transport. The Linkki service point on Asemakatu was visited 41 times and the Linkki telephone service answered 353 advice calls.

Linkki, a service providing real-time public transport timetable and route guide information route guide.jyvaskyla.fi There were approximately 8 million visits and 73 million page views. Alongside the electronic services, there is still a traditional, paper timetable booklet, of which a total of 46 copies were printed. The timetable booklet is intended for those who cannot or do not want to use the electronic timetable service. The booklet is free of charge and can be picked up from a distribution point.

On the central information channel for public transport linkki.jyvaskyla.fi There were a total of 2,4 million page views and 1,1 million visits. Important interaction channels on social media include Linkin Facebook https://www.facebook.com/linkkijyvaskyla and Link's Instagram channel, which has a total of about 10 followers.

In May, it was published between seven different regional newspapers Link news-an appendix that informed residents of Jyväskylä, Laukaa, Muurami, Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Toivakka and Petäjävesi about changes in public transport and other current issues. Linkkiuutiset was also published as an electronic magazine in September. Both 2024 publications can be found electronically on the Linki website https://linkki.jyvaskyla.fi/asiakaspalvelu-ja-ohjeet/asiakaspalvelu.

The use of public transport is promoted and the service is developed

Public transport-related Bus hopping to school -lesson has been visited in all elementary school classes for over 10 years. With the regional expansion of Link, Bussiloikka also expanded to schools in Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Toivakka and Petäjävesi in addition to Jyväskylä, Laukaa and Muurame. Bussiloikka visited 112 classes and met approximately 2000 children and their teachers. Bussiloikka is a play-based teaching session on public transport offered by Link, the practical implementation of which is responsible for the Jyväskylä Sustainable Development JAPA ry.

In autumn 2024, Linkki delivered 5650 welcome packages to new polytechnic and university students, which included, among other things, public transport information and a three-day trial ticket. The measure aims to lower the threshold for students to use public transport and familiarise them with the services of the study location. Residents are also encouraged to use Linkki, for example through ticket offers. Approximately 30 3500-day season tickets were sold at a reduced price in the September Valonväläys campaign. The use of public transport is also marketed through travel trials. Travel on Linkki public transport buses was free in the evening during the Jyväskylä City of Light event weekend from 26 to 28.9 September. Approximately 40 free trips were made in connection with the event.

As a result of ticket and marketing cooperation with sports clubs, JYP's season ticket now serves as a travel ticket for Linkki trips on home game nights. Similarly, Happe match and season tickets can be used for Linkki trips to the club's home games in Leppävesi.

Customer satisfaction with Linkki's services remained good. Linkki conducts three service quality surveys annually, in which 700 randomly selected passengers are asked to rate the service. The drivers' actions (customer friendliness and driving style) and the cleanliness of the fleet are examined. In 2024, the average rating given for the service was 4,15 on a scale of 1-5, where 1 = poor, 5 = excellent. Customer ratings have remained excellent for several years. Linkki's recommendation index NPS (Net Promoter Score) was 49,5 based on customer satisfaction measurements. The figure shows how likely customers would recommend the service to others, and a result approaching 50 can be considered very good.

The customer council also participates in the development of public transport, and met four times in 2024. The meetings discussed, among other things, the new zoning model for the Linkki area, the allocation of VAT increases for ticket prices, the development of the customer council's work, and the Jyväskylä walking and cycling development program. At the end of the year, a search for members of the customer council was organized, through which new councilors were recruited, mainly from Linkki's new partner municipalities.

Coming in 2025

Linkki public transport will receive hydrogen power in the summer of 2025, when Finland's first buses powered by hydrogen will be put into use for public transport. Through the collaboration, Linkki public transport will receive hydrogen-powered buses for a two-year pilot period, replacing some of the traditional combustion engine buses. The aim of the collaboration between Linkki public transport and Cefmof Finland is to promote the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable means of transport in the city. More information about the project will be available closer to the introduction of hydrogen buses.

The update of the Link to the Future 2030 development program will start in 2025. The program sets both short- and long-term development goals, which will be expanded to cover the entire public transport area of ​​the seven municipalities.

The Jyväskylä public transport Linkkikeskus is expected to be completed in the city centre this year. The stops will move to permanent locations along Vapaudenkatu in late autumn. The city centre's main stops have been temporarily located on Asemakatu for the third winter, where space has been extremely limited in relation to the volume of traffic and customers. Now there is already light at the end of the tunnel: the long wait for public transport users, drivers and area operators will probably be over before next winter. Linkki thanks everyone involved for their patience in the long-running project.

Additional information: 

Service Manager Kari Ström, Jyväskylä Region Public Transport LINKKI, tel. 050 60943, kari.strom[at]jyvaskyla.fi

News published, modified 15.1.2025 at 14:14


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Announcement: Material from the proposal phase of the Kannonkoski Vuorijärvi wind power sub-plan is available for viewing

The Kannonkoski Municipal Board has decided on 27.1.2025 § 1 to place the Vuorijärvi Wind Power Sub-General Plan on display for consultation in the proposal phase (AKL § 65, MRA § 19). The plan project partially changes the Kannonkoski Southern Watersheds Coastal Sub-General Plan. The project area is located approximately 14 km southeast of the Kannonkoski municipal center. The area borders the towns of Saarijärvi, Äänekoski and Viitasaari. The Vuorijärvi Wind Power Park covers an area of ​​approximately 5 hectares.

Äänekoski Huima will face Rahola Pyrkivä in a free match – Come watch local sports!

On Wednesday, February 19.2.2025, 18.30 at XNUMX:XNUMX PM, an exciting free match will be played at Äänekoski Areena Pankkari, where Äänekoski Huima will face Rahola Pyrkivä. The city of Äänekoski invites all local sports fans to support their team in this important game. Come and experience the amazing atmosphere and cheer Huima to victory! The free match offers a great opportunity for the whole family to enjoy basketball and experience community among the people of Äänekoski.

Daycare and school staff are trained to give children the best opportunities to learn and grow.

The Finnish National Board of Education has granted the city of Äänekoski project funding of over 42 euros for training teaching and educational personnel. The goal is that every child or young person in Äänekoski feels that they are in a safe environment, so that the best possible growth and learning can take place. The project, called In the Right Way, at the Right Time, began at the beginning of 000 and will last until 2025.

Summer jobs for young people in the city of Äänekoski will be available for applications on February 10.2.2025, XNUMX.

The City of Äänekoski will spend 2025 euros on summer employment for young people in 140. This summer, the City of Äänekoski will also employ all interested young people finishing 000th grade either for summer jobs, with a summer job voucher or a summer entrepreneurship voucher. In addition, we also employ older young people in various city units and encourage young people to become entrepreneurs. Last year, the City of Äänekoski employed a total of 9 young people in the summer. The summer job application for young people starts on 153 February 10.2.2025.

Planning Review 2025: New plots bring builders and vitality to Äänekoski

The Äänekoski City Council approved the zoning review for 2025. It presents the zoning program for the following years 2025-2027; the preliminary schedules of the pending and soon-to-be initiated zoning projects, as well as the primary objectives. – The zoning of the city of Äänekoski aims to actively promote the development of the city and increase its vitality. Only those projects that we can promote according to the schedule will be included in the zoning review, says Planning Manager Nina Marjoniemi.

The renovation site of the Suolahti swimming pool will start on January 2.1.2025, XNUMX

The renovation site of the Suolahti swimming pool will start on January 2.1.2025, 2026. In the repair contract, the ventilation and pool technology of the swimming hall facilities will be improved, changing room facilities will be changed, and the building's surface materials and furniture will be renewed. The renovation is a significant investment in Äänekoski's sports facilities. The contract will be completed in the spring of XNUMX.

Sydän-Suomen jätekunta informs: The processing billing for fine and closed well sludge will change in 2025

Äänekosken Energia Oy handles the processing of sludge generated by living in the Äänekoski area, also for fine and closed well sludge. Currently, the Waste Act obliges the waste management authority to maintain a waste register, which also monitors fines and closed-pit sludge management. The waste authority of Central Finland is the waste board. Jätehuolto's other register is currently part of the register jointly used by the Waste Board and Sammakkokangas Oy.

The Northern Central Finland employment area is preparing for the transfer of TE services - There may be a backlog in the services at the beginning of the year

The Northern Central Finland employment area will serve job seekers and employers from the beginning of 2025. TE offices and municipal trials will cease on December 31.12.2024, 1.1.2025. The Northern Central Finland employment area offers a statutory labor service for job seekers and employers in Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevede, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini, Viitasaari and from XNUMX January XNUMX. At the beginning of the year, various disturbances, outages and delays in the service are possible.

In entrepreneurship education, we are already looking towards the spring Äänemessu

There are many things going on in Äänekoski's entrepreneurship education. Äänekoski high school's Joulumaa sales event was held on December 12.12.2024, XNUMX, and the charity arrangements made by high school students are for sale at Koko's garden Pop Up store until Christmas. We are also currently preparing for next spring's Ääne fair. Labor Minister Arto Satose and Prime Minister Petteri Orpoo were impressed by Äänekoski's entrepreneurship education.

The H-moment is approaching! TE services will be transferred to the municipalities at the beginning of the year

The Northern Central Finland employment area will serve job seekers and employers from the beginning of 2025. TE offices and municipal trials will cease on December 31.12.2024, 1.1.2025. The employment area offers a statutory labor service in Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevedi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini, Viitasaari and Äänekoski for job seekers and employers from January XNUMX, XNUMX.

The Northern Central Finland employment area will start operating on January 1.1.2025, XNUMX

The Northern Central Finland employment area serves job seekers and employers from January 1.1.2025, 31.12.2024. TE offices and municipal trials will cease on December 1.1.2025, XNUMX. We offer a statutory employment service in Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevedi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini, Viitasaari and Äänekoski for job seekers and employers from January XNUMX, XNUMX. With labor services, both individual and employer clients receive advice and guidance on job search and employee recruitment as well as skills development.

At the "Greetings to the decision-makers" meeting, the children had the opportunity to ask questions and influence

The Right to Learning theme of the national Children's Rights Week last week also awakened adults and children in Äänekoski to think about the conditions and possibilities of learning and to enjoy the joy of learning. In Äänekoski, the topic was addressed at least at Koulunmäki unified school, where the Greetings to decision-makers meeting combined the most important goals of the Child's Rights Week and the Welfare Week held at the same time: Participation, the opportunity to influence and the joy of doing things together.

The renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall is a significant investment in Äänekoski's sports facilities

The city of Äänekoski is renovating Suolahti's swimming hall. The swimming pool will be renovated to make it a reliable swimming pool for the next 30 years. The investment is a significant investment in Äänekoski's sports facilities and it complements the Suolahti sports center, which includes an ice rink, sports hall, gym, Frisbee golf course, skate ramp, artificial turf, multi-purpose arena and half-time playground. The renovation is an investment in one of the most important movement places for children and young people and the aging population. The Suolahti swimming hall will be closed for renovation on 25.11.2024 November XNUMX.

The 2025 budget proposal of the city of Äänekoski was completed with a deficit of EUR 2,2 million

The state share system inoculates Äänekoski badly. The mayor's proposal for next year's 2025 budget will be discussed in the city council on November 25.11.2024, 2,2. The budget proposal has a deficit of EUR 7,6 million. Taking into account the accumulated surpluses of 0,6 million euros from previous years and the projected surplus of XNUMX million euros for the current year, the city of Äänekoski will survive the difficult years to come.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo heard Äänekoski's wishes in the restructuring of business life: "We are in the same boat"

On November 18.11.2024, XNUMX, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo visited Äänekoski and met representatives of the factories and personnel of Metsä Group and Valtra, as well as the city's management regarding the drastic change in the business world and the company's layoff news. Central Finland MPs Sinuhe Wallinheimo and Ville Väyrynen of the ruling party were also present. The state will use all instruments to help the situation.

Thanks for the resident bridge! Together, we want to make the center of Äänekoski more beautiful, more comfortable and more attractive

Thank you to all the participants of the 5.11.2025 residents' bridge in the city center and thank you for the fruitful discussion! About 50 residents of Painotalo participated in the residents' bridge, and there were also e.g. trustees, entrepreneurs, representatives of the youth council, residents' association and entrepreneurs' organization. Together, we want to make the center of Äänekoski more beautiful, more comfortable and more attractive. We also hope to increase community spirit and encounters!

The city of Äänekoski introduced an employee bicycle benefit - An electric bicycle increases exercise in everyday life and saves gas

The city of Äänekoski has introduced an employee bicycle benefit this fall. Sports janitor Raine Viander took the opportunity as soon as it was possible. Viander previously tried the city's loanable electric bike and got excited about getting his own bike. Viander has been satisfied with his electric bike and the amount of exercise in everyday life has increased. At the same time, you save gas.

The city of Äänekoski is doing everything it can to cope with the drastic change in the area's business life

The dark news from Äänekoski continued today, October 11.10.2024, 100, when Valtra and ACGO announced that they would start change negotiations concerning the persons covered by the collective agreement of white-collar workers and senior white-collar workers in the technology industry. The negotiations concern a total of 60 jobs in Finland. At the Suolahti factory, the reduction applies to approximately 1 white-collar jobs. Valtra employs a total of approximately 300 people at the Suolahti tractor factory. The reason for the change negotiations is the change in the market and the company's new operating methods. We are extremely worried about the jobs and future of our residents if the layoffs come true.

Äänekoski is a city of young people - Ääne fair is coming again!

Next year's Äänemessu 2025 is currently being planned. The Ääne fair will take place in and around Pankkari on May 23-24.5.2025, 10, Friday from 18 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 16 a.m. to XNUMX p.m. The proceeds from the event will be used for the benefit of Äänekoski's youth. The city of Äänekoski and the department of education and training: the staff of high school and school entrepreneurship education are responsible for organizing the fair. 

Wahlman's house is now working for young people - "We are building this city for young people"

In the culturally historically valuable Wahlman house, work is now being done for the future, i.e. the young people of Äänekoski. The city's own personnel moved into the house at the beginning of the week. In the same place, the people of the searching and mobile youth work, youth workshop activities and services promoting integration are now working. The teaching and education department is really grateful for the new, wonderful facilities where work is now being done for the young people of Äänekoski.

The flying squirrel situation in the felling areas of the city of Äänekoski was clarified in the spring: according to ELY, it was found that there was no breeding or resting place for the flying squirrel in the area

According to information received from the media, the Keskinen Suomen liito-oravayhdistys ry has filed a criminal complaint about logging by a forest company in Äänekoski. The police have launched a preliminary investigation to find out if Stora Enso cut down the forest in the flying squirrel nesting area. The logging area is owned by the city of Äänekoski. The city of Äänekoski did several terrain inspections in the Sikopuro area in Suolahti in the spring of 2024 before logging, and no signs of flying squirrels were found. After the felling, the ELY Center of Central Finland conducted field inspections in the summer of 2024 and according to them, it was found that there was no breeding and resting place for flying squirrels in the area, so the Nature Conservation Act was not violated.

The crushing work causes noise and dust nuisance in the center of Suolahti

The city of Äänekoski is currently demolishing the former Asemakatu school in Suolahti. During the fall, concrete and brick will be crushed at the Asemakatu school, which will cause noise and dust nuisance as well as vibration. We strive to reduce harm to residents and the environment in all our activities. We save natural resources by using the demolished and crushed concrete and brick of the school building later in infrastructure construction.

Niina Rautanen, the director of the wide area, came to the house

Master of Philosophy Niina Rautanen, 34, started at the beginning of August when the director of education and training Ville Härtsiä retired. Before his election, Rautanen worked for a short time as Koskela's executive director and principal, and before that, e.g. as the branch manager of the Wiitaunion's cultural activities shared by the two municipalities. Rautanen is a music pedagogue and musicologist by training. He has solid experience in various administrative jobs and in his university studies he has focused on educational management.

The joint effort of the city of Äänekoski and Kiinteistönhoidin has brought savings of millions

- At the beginning of the current council term, the trustees of Äänekoski made a bold decision when the strategic partnership operating model was implemented in cooperation between the city and Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy. The goal of the partnership was to save one million euros during the term of the council, but so far, savings of 1,36 million euros and more have already been achieved. The quality of the work has improved, trust has grown and work has become more efficient. And above all, with better cooperation, we provide our residents with a better service, says city manager Matti Tuononen.

There is scope for low emissions, but it requires cooperation

The results of the Resource-wise Äänekoski - Low-emission road transport project, financed by the Ministry of the Environment and the city of Äänekoski, are ready. The goal of the survey is to reduce traffic emissions. Operators in the region have the will to make their business carbon neutral, and more refueling infrastructure is needed. The survey added dialogue between operators in the area, i.e. companies with heavy traffic, as well as low-emission fuel distributors, and explored the city's potential for influence.

The renovation of Äänekoski town hall will start in July

During the summer, the 1st floor of Äänekoski town hall will be renovated to add more office space for the employment services. The Northern Central Finland employment area will start operating on January 1.1.2025, 65. The state's TE offices will cease and 1.1.2025 employees from the state will be transferred to the city of Äänekoski from January XNUMX, XNUMX. Most of the transferred employees will work in Äänekoski, so additional space is needed.

Äänekoski's walking and cycling promotion program is moving forward - Towards more functional routes!

The city of Äänekoski has taken significant steps to promote walking and cycling. The city of Äänekoski has received funding of 18 euros from Traficom for the creation of a program to promote walking and cycling, and the city organized a resident survey in the spring, the answers of which will be used in developing the program. The project is part of the active climate and environmental work of the city of Äänekoski.

Evaluation report: Äänekoski's operations and finances are in good shape

On June 10.6.2024, 2023, the Äänekoski city council approved the audit committee's evaluation report for the year XNUMX. The evaluation report shows that the operation of the city of Äänekoski has gone well, even though the municipalities and nationally have been living in the midst of challenging circumstances. The report highlights the city's successes, but also some areas for development and identified risks. It is particularly positive that the inspection board has also listened to the valuable views of young people on the city's joint decision-making.

From the beginning of 2025, employers will receive service from the Northern Central Finland employment area - Welcome to the information session!

The responsibility for organizing employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities from January 1.1.2025, 4.6. The transfer of TE services to municipalities is a significant and new statutory task. The goal is to effectively promote the meeting of job seekers and employers! We are organizing information events about the reform open to everyone, with the same content, on Tuesday 5.6.2024 June. and Wed 10 June XNUMX at XNUMX a.m. remotely. Entrepreneurs in the area are also warmly welcome to join!