The janitors at the Mikonpuisto daycare center have a knack for sorting waste
We are slowly waking up to the million trash bags campaign
Last week, the waste company Sammakkokangas of the city of Äänekoski organized waste counseling for the garbage collectors of the Mikonpuisto kindergarten.

Recycling and service adviser Kristiina Halttunen guided the children in visual and conversational ways in sorting the waste together with Sammakkokanka's mascot Mr. Loika. Kristiina's trip also included an interesting garbage truck, waste sorting tasks and frog-themed coloring pictures.

During this spring, waste counseling will be held in one school and kindergarten in the Äänekoski area. Waste advice is free of charge and is covered by the customers' basic fee.

The city of Äänekoski and Sammakkokangas are involved in the one that starts on April 13.4.2023, XNUMX Ylen One million garbage bags - in the rapture. The campaign encourages all Finns to collect garbage from nature during the spring, and the goal is to collect a total of one million garbage bags. Mikonpuisto's daycare center also goes on garbage collection walks with the children, as long as the snow melts.
In the spirit of the million trash bags campaign, the city of Äänekoski will organize the entire family's Trash Bag Effect event on Saturday, May 13.5.2023, 10, from 13 a.m. to XNUMX p.m. at the town hall. There will be garbage collection on vacation, e.g. information sessions, toy exchange market, raffle and coffee service.
For more information:
Environmental manager Hanna Ahonen, 0400 893 683,

News published 3.4.2023, modified 25.7.2023/09/20 at XNUMX:XNUMX