A guide to preparing for disruptions and crises
In the Guide to Prepare for Disruption and Crisis Situations, which is aimed at the entire population, there are extensive instructions on how to prepare for various exceptional situations and how to act during them.
If something extraordinary happens, everyone's own preparation and actions affect how well we manage.
Preparedness means preparing in advance for various disturbances and crises as well as exceptional conditions. Situations that require preparation include, for example
- long power and water outages
- long interruptions in the operation of the internet or banking services
- natural phenomena such as storms or wildfires
- longer-lasting crises, such as a pandemic or military conflict.
The guide is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. The main points are signposted in Finnish and Finnish-Swedish sign language. The website has a pdf summary in 15 different languages, which you can print for yourself or your loved ones.
Check out the guide: Suomi.fi/vauratumuni
PDF summary of the basic precautions instructions in different languages
News published, modified 19.11.2024 at 12:49