The councils of the municipalities of Northern Central Finland approved the establishment of an employment area
"We are now doing something together that has never been done before"

Employment regional planning has gone quite well and smoothly in the municipalities of Northern Central Finland. The work to establish the area has been done among 13 municipalities in close cooperation with the city of Äänekoski taking the lead. In all 13 municipalities, the councils approved the agreement between the municipalities related to the establishment of the employment area and the service organization plan. The notice on the organization of public employment services has been sent to the Ministry of Labor and the Economy on 31.10.2023 October XNUMX.
- Now the municipalities of Northern Central Finland are hoping for a positive decision by the Government for the common employment area. The State Council is scheduled to decide on the matter in February 2024, but according to our understanding, preliminary information on the TEM's attitude could be available as early as November, the administrative director of the city of Äänekoski Aleksi Heikkilä says.
- Completing the agreement and the system plan is only the first step in building cooperation. After this, many practical matters will be prepared, such as the transfer of the personnel of the state's TE services to the employment area, Heikkilä adds.
The responsibility for organizing employment services will be transferred to the municipalities from January 1.1.2025, 4.10.2023. Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtipudas, Saarijärvi, Uurainen, Viitasaari and Äänekoski are establishing their own joint employment area of the municipalities, the responsibility of which would be the city of Äänekoski. A joint evening school was organized for the councils of all municipalities on October XNUMX, XNUMX. After that, the establishment of the cooperation area, the agreement between the municipalities and the organization plan were discussed at the council meetings.
- The city of Äänekoski wants to cooperate with other municipalities and it is important that all the municipalities of Northern Central Finland are unanimously behind this. Although we have done a lot of different kinds of cooperation between the municipalities, we are now doing something together that has not been done before, says Aleksi Heikkilä.
- Although the schedule has been really tight, the plan was prepared in good spirit and with close cooperation with the municipalities. The preparation of the employment area will continue from now on, so that we are ready on January 1.1.2025, 24, project coordinator of the TEXNUMX preparatory project of the city of Äänekoski Anja Rein says.
The background of the reform is Sanna Marini the law change implemented during the government's time, which transfers labor services to the municipalities. The common goal of the municipalities of Northern Central Finland is to organize employment services as local services.
According to the preliminary plan, the new employment area should have four permanent positions in Äänekoski, Laukaa, Saarijärvi and Viitasaari. In addition to that, the service is brought on-site to each municipality. Approximately 64 person-years from the current TE office will be transferred to the employment area of Northern Central Finland.
- The new employment area will have a really competent and expert workforce, with which we can ensure the continuation of services in this significant change, employment manager of the city of Äänekoski Riikka Hytönen rejoices.
For more information:
Äänekoski city administrator Aleksi Heikkilä, 040 823 7921,
News published, modified 1.11.2023 at 08:52