The Northern Central Finland employment area is preparing for the transfer of TE services - There may be a backlog in the services at the beginning of the year

The Northern Central Finland employment area will serve job seekers and employers from the beginning of 2025. TE offices and municipal trials will cease on December 31.12.2024, 1.1.2025. The Northern Central Finland employment region offers a statutory labor service for job seekers and employers in Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevede, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini and Viitasaari from XNUMX January XNUMX. At the beginning of the year, various disturbances, outages and delays in the service are possible.
In the longer term, the goal of the TE reform is to develop services even more impressive by implementing services that are suitable for local needs and individually tailored. It's not just about promoting employment, but with the strengthening of basic services, municipalities will get more tools to promote vitality.
We will do everything we can to make the transition smooth
If you are already a TE services or municipal trial customer, your customership will automatically be transferred to us, and you do not need to do anything special. We will inform you about possible changes on the websites of the employment area and municipalities, and we will also contact you personally if necessary. There will be new contact information in the employment area, in addition, your own contact person and place of business may change in connection with the change. In the future, you will receive the service face-to-face with an appointment from your own municipality.
The aim is to ensure the smoothest transition phase services for customers. In practice, the transfer of services from the state to the municipalities, both in terms of information systems, customer transfers and user rights, takes place overnight. If there are problems with the transfer of customer data from the state to the municipalities or with the introduction of information systems, this can be seen by customers, e.g. as delays in payments or congestion in customer service.
At the beginning of the year, various disturbances, outages and delays in the service are possible. Now we already know that Työ website will be down from 30.12.2024 at 8 a.m. to 2.1.2025 at 8 a.m. The Työmarkkinatori has e.g. electronic transaction channels for jobseekers and employers, through which you can register as an unemployed jobseeker or announce new jobs. Even after an outage, the site may be congested. It's worth taking care of any new year issues well in advance. You can register as an unemployed job seeker at Työmarkkinatori in advance if you know that your unemployment will start on January 1.1.2025, XNUMX or later in January.
The services will start on January 3.1.2025, XNUMX
The city of Äänekoski will receive skilled and expert workforce from the state, with which we will be able to ensure the continuation of services during this significant change. 66 new employees will be transferred to Äänekoski from the state and they will start their work on January 2.1.2025, 3.1.2025 in Äänekoski. The goal is for the phone service to operate on Friday XNUMX January XNUMX, but the phone service may be busy at the beginning of the year. You should primarily do business in the online service Työmarkkinatori.
Conducting personnel cooperation negotiations takes time, which means that the personnel cannot start their work at full capacity right at the beginning of the year. This can be seen, for example, in getting customer service appointments, preparing statements and delays in payments.
Muutosturva's contact persons help employers in change negotiations related to personnel reduction situations. Please note that there may be a break in the service for about a week during the transition period at the turn of the year. For employers, guidance and advice on change insurance from January 3.1.2025, 27.12.2024 is part of the employer services service number. Employers are asked to notify the starting change negotiations for their employment area and to add a negotiation proposal by email to Until December XNUMX, XNUMX, change negotiation proposals can be submitted to the address
There will be changes to the fees
There is going to be a break in the processing of salary support and start-up money applications at the turn of the year. It's worth being on time with the applications and start the matter as soon as possible. Wage support and start-up money decisions will be processed in the TE office's system until 19.12.2024 December 1.1.2025. Applications submitted after this and unfinished application processes will be directed to the employment areas starting on January XNUMX, XNUMX, so applications should be submitted well in advance. Processing of unfinished cases may be transferred to future labor authorities, and the change may cause delays in the processing of applications.
The start-up fee payment date will change in 2025. The start-up fee payment date for entrepreneurs starting in the municipalities of the Northern Central Finland employment region will change in 2025 due to the TE reform. The aim is to pay the starting money in January 31.1.2025. Payments can be processed for those applicants whose application for starting money has been submitted by January 15.1.2025, 2025. There will be two start money payment days per month, with the exception of January 15. If the payment application you send does not make it in time for the nearest payment, it will be automatically moved to the next payment date. The usual starting money payment date is the XNUMXth of each month, the last day of the month or the preceding weekday.
The payment of unemployment benefits or allowances paid by unemployment funds or Kela will not change.
The allocation of wage support will decrease
In 2025, the employment areas will have less money allocated for organizing employment services than at present, up to 35 percent less than in previous years. In the employment area of Northern Central Finland, it has the biggest impact on wage support and procurement of labor services, such as training.
If there is money available for salary support, it can be granted at discretion to both companies and associations.
At the beginning of 2025, according to the current plan, wage subsidies will not be granted in the Northern Central Finland employment area due to budget reasons. The adequacy of the appropriations will be reviewed again during the spring of 2025.
The budget situation of the Northern Central Finland employment area has to be reviewed, also taking into account the wage subsidy budgets made before the turn of the year, allocated to the coming year.
To support employment, the municipalities of the North-Central Finland employment area can, if they wish, grant employers a municipal supplement. For example, the municipal supplement of the city of Äänekoski has been an annual allocation of 100 euros, and it is not about to be cut. However, the municipalities' own municipal supplements cannot replace the wage subsidy of the employment area.
Contact information for the Northern Central Finland employment area:
- You are primarily dealing in an electronic online service Työ pages in the Asiointi service. Please note that the service will be down from 30.12.2024 at 8 a.m. to 2.1.2024 at 8 a.m.
- You can reach us by phone from 3.1.2025 January XNUMX:
Jobseeker services 040 757 1653 (weekdays Mon-Fri 9am-15pm)
Employer services 040 484 1020 (weekdays Mon-Fri 9am-15pm)
- You can reach us by e-mail from 3.1.2025 January XNUMX:
Personal customers:
Employers: - You can find information about employment services on your municipality's website and on the website.
- From the beginning of the year, the national customer and advisory services offer advice, e.g. related to unemployment insurance, company establishment and development, and electronic transactions. Read more here.
News published, modified 18.12.2024 at 10:42