The report on the Low-emission transport project was completed
There is scope for low emissions, but it requires cooperation

The results of the Resource-wise Äänekoski - Low-emission road transport project, financed by the Ministry of the Environment and the city of Äänekoski, are ready. The goal of the survey is to reduce traffic emissions. Operators in the region have the will to make their business carbon neutral, and more refueling infrastructure is needed. The survey added dialogue between operators in the area, i.e. companies with heavy traffic, as well as low-emission fuel distributors, and explored the city's potential for influence.
- There is a change in road traffic driving forces to low emissions and the legislation also requires a change. The main result of the survey is that in the next few years, gas and electricity will increase among the operating forces. In the longer term, electricity will even replace gas. There are many operators in Äänekoski with trucks, but it is not possible to refuel with low-emission fuel here. The need has now been identified. The traffic volumes in the area will also continue to grow in the future, the environment manager Hanna Ahonen says.
- The location of Äänekoski is great logistically and with the new distribution stations, passers-by would be able to stop here. In Äänekoski, the most interesting destinations in terms of location and services are Hirvaskangas and Kotakennäs. The fueling stations of the operational forces must be near services and electric cables, and the establishment of cold stations is not recommended.
Get the most out of the square
The survey also gathered the operators' wishes for the city of Äänekoski.
- Courage, innovation and pioneering are expected from the city. In addition, the cities should cooperate with each other in order to expand the distribution network, the director of vitality Sari Åkerlund says.
Äänekoski's attractiveness as a distribution point for alternative fuels is strengthened by its location along the highway. Quadruple roads are driven by large masses, which should be taken advantage of. Creating a service network is the task of commercial operators, but enabling its creation is the city's task.
In the interviews, the city of Äänekoski was praised for making an investment decision based on a solution that consumes 10% less energy.
Cooperation initiatives are also needed from the city, of which this project was mentioned as an example. The operators are interested in cooperation, and they hope for it across industry boundaries.
In the interviews, one of the interviewees summed it up: "The whole industry should look at the bigger picture, the development of the endgame is all about people. It's not the companies that cooperate, it's the people".
Genuine dialogue is needed
The aim of the work was to find out the views and needs of operators and distributors in the transition to low-emission road transport. Involving stakeholders in interviews and in the workshop provided the city of Äänekoski with up-to-date information to support decision-making and help plan concrete measures towards Äänekoski's regional emission reduction goals. Interactive work is an important part of social sustainability and creates the basis for economically and ecologically sustainable solutions.
- Change requires constant dialogue and genuine dialogue. The city of Äänekoski has made an exemplary effort to increase the discussion between the different operators, which the operators already praised in the job interviews, says the head of Ramboll's Service Design Aino Mensonen.
The role of the city is to enable distribution operations with zoning and suitable plots. The city of Äänekoski participated in the project cross-administratively, because low emissions apply to all industries.
The matter is also important from the point of view of security of supply, because biogas and renewable diesel and electricity can be self-sufficiently produced in Finland. From the point of view of security of supply, it is critical to ensure that there is sufficient and reliable access to the necessary operating forces even in the event of disturbances and exceptional conditions. In terms of reliability of supply and operational reliability in general, it is essential that the distribution network is not regionally based on individual distribution stations.
- New driving forces also require new preparation. Transports of heavy traffic and lighter distribution traffic are part of Finland's security of supply, as vital goods and raw materials for industry, shops and end users are transported in logistics chains. The versatility of fuels and energy sources reduces vulnerability and dependence on a single source, energy engineer Juha Saari says.
- The results of the project will help the development of transport in the Ääneseud to be less emitting. The interviews also brought up other ideas with which the city of Äänekoski could promote low emissions. The city of Äänekoski could demand zero emissions in public transport tenders, transport planner Tommi Maanselkä toteaa.
Äänekoski is in the vanguard
- Distribution operators are interested in developing new solutions in cooperation with companies in the area and the city, which in turn could lower the threshold for local companies to change drive power. That's why it's important to maintain and increase the dialogue in the future, says Hanna Ahonen.
In the future, it would be worthwhile to look at a wider area and increase regional and provincial cooperation with other municipalities. Even though Äänekoski has bravely set out to make an investigation, the development must also be pushed forward on a wider scale.
- Äänekoski has been at the forefront of this kind of green transition survey in Central Finland. The purpose was to start a discussion and it was born. We also present the results of the project at events related to the topic, says Hanna Ahonen.
The project is part of the active climate and environmental work of the city of Äänekoski: We take care of our environment so that we can leave it better for future generations.
For more information:
Environmental manager Hanna Ahonen, 0400 893 683,
News published, modified 20.8.2024 at 14:59