TE services will be transferred to municipalities in 2025
In Äänekoski, the 2-year municipal experiment of employment has brought good results
Parliament has approved the law on the transfer of responsibility for organizing public employment and business services to municipalities from January 1.1.2025, 1.1.2025. Äänekoski has been preparing for the reform through the Jyväskylä regional employment municipal experiment for two years. TE services will be transferred to municipalities on January XNUMX, XNUMX.

The employees of Äänekoski municipal experiment celebrated the 2-year anniversary of the municipal experiment with cake and coffee. In the photo, the responsible coach Anja Rein and personal coach Erkki Savela. - We are satisfied with the successes we have achieved in managing employment. We have a desire to help our citizens, that is our driving force, employment manager Riikka Hytönen is happy.
What the change means in practice in Äänekoski depends on the employment cooperation areas formed in Central Finland. The area receiving employment tasks must have a labor base of at least 20 people, so Äänekoski cannot operate alone. The municipalities of Central Finland are currently negotiating the formation of cooperation areas, and the decisions will be made during this year.
- Of course, we hope that in the future our good employment services in Äänekoski will remain unchanged and even develop further, employment manager Riikka Hytönen says.
Good results from the Äänekoski municipal experiment
The majority of job seekers from Äänekoski already receive support in their job search from self-coaches of the city of Äänekoski through the ongoing municipal experiment. Äänekoski has been participating in the municipal experiment for two years now, and the "birthdays" of the municipal experiment were celebrated in Äänekoski among the employees with cake coffees.
- We are satisfied with the successes we have achieved in Äänekoski's employment management. We have also been able to meet the needs of our employers, Riikka Hytönen is happy.
Äänekoski's success is told by e.g. during the municipal experiment, the employment rate constantly decreased and the labor market support payment share decreased, which has brought savings to the city of Äänekoski. The latest employment statistics are from January, when Äänekoski's unemployment rate was 12,7. Labor market support has been paid a maximum of 138 euros per year, while last year it was the lowest at 000 euros.
- In January, there were 1 unemployed jobseekers in Äänekoski, and at their peak last year there were 032, so we've gone below a thousand. The worst situation was in 857, when we had more than 2015 unemployed job seekers. Now the unemployment rate often starts at 1, while in 900 it was as much as 10 percent. Now we have been close to the average of Central Finland in statistics for a long time, Hytönen describes.
Youth unemployment has also been strongly eradicated in Äänekoski - and almost halved. In June, there were 25 unemployed people under the age of 192, and now there are 133 in January.
The work of a personal trainer is driven by the desire to help
There are 10 personal trainers working in the Äänekoski city's municipal trial, and some of them also perform tasks for the municipality. In Äänekoski, personal trainers are easy to reach and help is available at a low threshold. The fact that the employment office of the Äänekoski town hall is open every weekday from 9 am to 15 pm without an appointment is also an indication of the good service.
- The level of competence and education of our personnel is high. We have been able to unload a huge amount of previously accumulated work queue. We have a desire to help our citizens, that is our driving force, says Riikka Hytönen.
According to Hytönen's experience, the new customer service model has proven to work: when people become active in their job search, they get those jobs.
- Our customers are really nice and nice, jobs have been applied for and received, or they have been able to be helped in other ways. There are many good employers and companies in our area that you want to work for. Especially us young people should get caught up in working life as quickly as possible. One important goal is also to get vocational training for all job seekers, Hytönen lists.
Ukrainians who fled the war to Finland became clients of the municipal experiment in terms of employment services from the beginning of March. In Äänekoski, employment services for immigrants are currently purchased from the city of Jyväskylä.
More information:
Employment manager Riikka Hytönen, 040 194 6100, riikka.hytonen@aanekoski.fi
From the website of the Ministry of Labor and the Economy https://tem.fi/te-palvelut-2024-uudistus
News published 10.3.2023, modified 24.4.2023/11/29 at XNUMX:XNUMX