Ukrainians have become new municipal residents in Äänekoski

Of the Ukrainians living in Äänekoski, 79 people have received a home municipality label. After receiving the residence registration, Ukrainians are equally covered by the same benefits as other residents of the municipality, and they are no longer clients of the reception center. Most of them already live in their own rental apartments, and about 20 residents are currently looking for a new apartment in Äänekoski.
Thanks to the Ukrainians, Äänekoski's population is increasing: since April, Äänekoski's net migration has been a total of 91 people. The population of Äänekoski is on the rise, when it was 18 people at the beginning of July.
- We would like to warmly welcome Ukrainians to Äänekoski as municipal residents and we hope that you will have a good time in our community, Mayor Matti Tuononen says.
With the increase in the population, service needs also increase, for example in early childhood education. Some of the Ukrainian children go to school in preparation for basic education, and some have moved on to classes of their own age level. The employment services have a personal trainer who speaks Russian for Ukrainian job seekers.
The Äänekoski reception center continues to operate as usual and there are now about 200 customers. The temporary municipal model of the reception centers ends at the end of the year, and the customers of the Äänekoski reception center's municipal model from five municipalities become customers of the reception center or apply for their home municipality.
The first family with children among the quota refugees moving to Äänekoski this year has moved. A total of seven Afghan families will come to Äänekoski this year.
For more information:
City manager Matti Tuononen, 040 572 3239,
News published 29.8.2023, modified 5.10.2023/14/14 at XNUMX:XNUMX