A dream home in the middle of waterways and nature, close to good transport connections and services
"Äänekoski is the best city in the world"
Iida ja Valtteri Piilonen are currently building their new detached house in Kotakennaä on the shore of Lake Kuhnamo. According to Piilosten, cooperation with the city of Äänekoski has been seamless and easy.

- There has always been help and advice. And it has always caught people, even in the evenings, when something had to be figured out by morning, thanks Valtteri Piilonen.
- This is the best city in the world, adds Piilonen, originally from Äänekoski.
The family is still living in a house from the 70s that they are renovating in Römmi, and they plan to move to a new home this year. There are three school-aged children in the family, and additional space became necessary. The Piilosets were looking for a beach plot, and in Kotakennaä soon there were wonderful beach plots for sale, and a pleasant place to camp was found right away.
Two birds with one stone
- You could pay a little more for a beach plot, but plot prices are quite reasonable in Äänekoski, Valtteri Piilonen states.
- You can get a beach sauna in the yard, so there is no need for a separate summer house. This is killing two birds with one stone.
The location is excellent in every way, and Iida Piilonen's commute to hospital Nova, who works as a midwife, is even faster. On the other hand, Äänekoski has a good supply of services and supplies, also for construction, and you rarely need to go elsewhere to get anything.
- Children's hobbies have also been found in Äänekoski, and children don't spend evenings sitting in the car, says Valtteri Piilonen.
The family builds their house from the long stuff themselves, but they still rely on professionals and have received a lot of help and advice. In the beginning, the Piilosets hired an architect to design the house.
- The architect had a professional vision and designed the house according to the terrain of the plot. The excavator driver, who knows how to move earth, was also worth his weight in gold, thanks Iida Piilonen.
The planning regulations of the city of Äänekoski are quite loose. Originally, the red roof was the only permitted color in the plan for the Kuhnamo Lake area, but the city changed it according to the wishes of the residents.
- The city of Äänekoski has stayed true to its plans with the spirit of the times, thanks Iida Piilonen.

Kota kukkulala tells about building a house in Äänekoski
Iida Piilonen is also the new visit ambassador for Äänekoski, who talks about things like building a house in Äänekoski, as well as decorating and crafts. Iida Piilonen can be found on social media under the name @kota_kukkulalla.
The city of Äänekoski has eight visit ambassadors who talk about Äänekoski on Visit Äänekoski's social media channels - each from their own perspective. You can get to know the visit ambassadors here: https://www.visitaanekoski.fi/blogi/visit-lahettiladen-uusia-tuulia.
If you want to give advice on new content or get visibility on Visit Äänekoski's channels, contact us by e-mail at tourism@aanekoski.fi or add the tag @visit_aanekoski to your social media post. By using the hashtags #visitaänekoski #visitaanekoski and #hiddenaanekoski you give permission to share your photo again.

Home in the middle of waterways, close to services
The city of Äänekoski has a good and versatile supply of plots, and there are also plots for single-family houses available in Kuhnamonjärvi in Kotakenna: one beach plot and ten more affordable plots close to the shore.
The new Kotakennai residential area is located at the end of the road, but along excellent traffic connections, on the west side of the core of Äänekoski and Valtatie 4. The area has comprehensive municipal technology and roads, and a fiber optic cable enabling ultra-fast telecommunication connections is also under construction. In the area, you can get a home by the waterways and in the middle of nature, but at the same time close to good transport connections and comprehensive services.

More information about Äänekoski's plot offer:
Land use manager Juha Koskinen, 0400 641 829, juha.koskinen@aanekoski.fi
More information about Visit Äänekoski:
Tourism and marketing expert Milla Hytönen, 040 191 7542, milla.hytonen@aanekoski.fi

News published 28.6.2022, modified 14.5.2024/07/31 at XNUMX:XNUMX