Highway 4 Kevätlahti–Petomäki: The detour between Kevätlahdentie and Liimattalantie will be extended

The Finnish Railways Agency informs: As part of the Äänekoski–Viitasaari bypass lanes project, which improves the safety of Highway 4, the detour that has been in use since October 2023 between Kevätlahdentie and Liimattalantie will be slightly longer.
The ring road is continued from the Liimattalantie intersection on the east side of highway 4 to Petomäki. The extension, which is about a kilometer long, will be put into use on June 10.6. starting week.
The detour is in use until the end of October. During this time, a new overtaking lane will be built on the highway towards the south, as well as a multi-level interchange, which will replace the current Kevätlahti interchange. The ring road connects to Valtatie 4 at the beginning of the Petomäki bypass lanes.
"Roundabouts slow down traffic to some extent, but they are necessary so that we can improve the safety of highway 4 on the Äänekoski-Viitasaari section. Improving overtaking lanes and lighting will also make traffic smoother in the future", project manager of the Väylävirasto Jarmo Niskanen says.
Vt 4 The Äänekoski–Viitasaari project has several detour arrangements, which cause a total of 5–9 minutes of delay between Äänekoski–Kalaniemi. During rush hour, the delay can be up to 12 minutes. Detour arrangements are in use between Kevätlahti–Petomäki and Konginkangas–Kalaniemi.
The speed limit on the detour is 30 kilometers per hour at the Kevätlahti exit and 50 kilometers per hour in the rest of the area.
Additional information:
Jarmo Niskanen, project manager, Väylävirasto, tel. 0295 34 3127, firstname.surname@vayla.fi
Jaakko Taipale, work manager, Destia, tel. +358 40 350 1539, firstname.surname@destia.fi
Vt 4 In the Äänekoski–Viitasaari project, the passing lanes between Äänekoski and Viitasaari are improved. The Vt 4 Kevätlahti–Petomäki contract is part of the project, and its main contractor is Destia Oy. In its entirety, the Vt 4 Äänekoski–Viitasaari overtaking lanes project will be implemented in the years 2023–2027.
News published, modified 16.8.2024 at 09:35