From the beginning of 2025, employers will receive service from the Northern Central Finland employment area
Welcome to the information session on June 4.6. or 5.6.2024 June 10 at XNUMX a.m. by remote connection

The responsibility for organizing employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities from January 1.1.2025, 4.6. The transfer of TE services to municipalities is a significant and new statutory task. The goal is to effectively promote the meeting of job seekers and employers! We are organizing information events about the reform open to everyone, with the same content, on Tuesday 5.6.2024 June. and Wed 10 June XNUMX at XNUMX a.m. remotely. All those interested in the topic and entrepreneurs and employers in the area are warmly welcome to join!
- The goal of the reform is that employment services would be closer to municipal residents and employers in the future. We want to make job placement more efficient and create the best conditions for employers and employees to meet. Through that, we get skilled labor for the companies and together we grow the region's vitality, project director of employment area preparation Riikka Hytönen says.
- There are many good employers and companies in our region, which is our absolute strength, Hytönen thanks.
In Central Finland, preparations for the reform of labor and business services have been made in three employment areas: Northern Central Finland, Southern Central Finland, and the Jyväskylä-Muurame employment area. Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtipudas, Saarijärvi, Uurainen, Viitasaari and Äänekoski have established their own, shared by the municipalities, the Northern Central Finland employment area, the responsibility of which is the city of Äänekoski.
During this year, Äänekoski is preparing for the start of the employment area at the beginning of next year 2025. Preparations are currently being made, e.g. In terms of personnel, facilities, procurement, information system issues and communication moving from the TE office to the municipalities.
The Northern Central Finland employment area will start from the beginning of 2025. Then jobseeker and employer customers will receive services from the Northern Central Finland employment area.
News published, modified 8.10.2024 at 08:53