Jatta Heikkinen from the city of Äänekoski was chosen as the environmental protection official of the year
"Heikkinen is a versatile professional, fair to everyone, tough and active"

Environmental inspector Jatta Heikkinen of the city of Äänekoski was elected as the environmental protection official for 2023. Heikkinen was awarded on October 4.10.2023, XNUMX in Lammi at the annual seminar of the environmental protection authorities. Congratulations to Jata!
- This honor came to me as a complete surprise, a happy one. I would like to thank all those who have nominated me as environmental official of the year, the environmental inspector, for their trust Jatta Heikkinen says.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Authority's ry justifies the selection as Environmental Protection Authority of the Year by stating that "Jatta Heikkinen is a versatile professional, fair to everyone, tough and active".
- I have worked as an environmental inspector for almost five years and had a really good time. The work of an environmental inspector at Äänekoski is demanding, but also versatile and rewarding. It requires the desire and will to self-improvement in order to successfully navigate the constantly changing legal jungle and to be able to serve our customers as well as possible, Heikkinen states.
The tasks of the municipality's environmental protection authority have been regulated, e.g. in the Environmental Protection Act, the Waste Act, the Water Management Act, the Water Act, the Land Transport Act and the Water Transport Act. As a rule, these duties are licensing and supervisory authority duties.
- Special thanks go to the great working community of the city of Äänekoski and to my supervisor, from whom I have always received support when needed and who have cast faith in my own competence. Without the in-house, smooth cooperation, support and motivation-fueled work community, doing this work would not be successful, Heikkinen adds.
More information about the environmental protection of the city of Äänekoski:
Environmental manager Hanna Ahonen, 0400 893 683, hanna.ahonen@aanekoski.fi
News published 4.10.2023