In the resident satisfaction survey of the city of Äänekoski, there was an improvement in all areas
"Steps have been taken forward"
In February 2023, the city of Äänekoski conducted an extensive resident survey. There was an improvement in every sub-area compared to the last resident survey carried out in 2021. The collected information is important for the city of Äänekoski to develop services.
For the resident satisfaction survey almost 500 responses were received and it was implemented as an electronic survey. Answers were well received from all age groups and from every agglomeration.
- We investigated residents' satisfaction with the various services provided by the city. You can see from the answers that steps have been taken and the results are good, development manager Tanja Sulin says.
Resident satisfaction surveys are carried out regularly in Äänekoski.
- Last year, we did not conduct a resident survey because there were so many participation and surveys related to strategy work. There weren't as many responses as last time, but there have been so many other inquiries now, so that may have contributed to the number of responses, says Sulin.
Communication has been successful
Improvement was achieved in every sub-area compared to the previous resident survey. In particular, the city's active and effective communication received good marks from the residents. In the opinion of the residents, the city's website and social media are the most important communication channels, and the city has been very successful in them. For the first time, the website became the most important information channel for the residents, and the importance of social media has grown all the time. Local newspapers were considered the third most important.
Communication about Äänekoski's city strategy has also been successful, as more than half of the respondents were familiar with the Äänekoski phenomenon.
- It's great that the citizens of the municipality have recognized the Äänekoski phenomenon, because very few Finns pay attention to the urban strategy of their municipality, Sulin thinks.
In the "Good day" section, statements were listed, all of which were an improvement on the previous one.
- There was an equal increase in the claims of a good life in three points: "It is easy to live and live in Äänekoski", "Everyday services are easily available" and "I can recommend Äänekoski", says Sulin.
Äänekoski's recreational opportunities were also rated a good 3,9.
In housing services, especially the possibilities for sorting waste received a good rating of 3,6. Also new were the services produced together with Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoindo. Among them, the cleanliness and maintenance of the indoor and outdoor sports facilities even received a surprisingly good rating of 3,7.
Progress has been made in the Decision-making in the city section and its communication, as well as in teaching and education services in all areas.
A total of 136 responses were received to the free feedback section, most of which concerned restaurants and events, streets, rental apartments and the downtown area, as well as the harbor and youth services. Property management received 111 feedbacks in its open position, e.g. about playgrounds and winter maintenance, and we have now gone through them together.
Questions related to social and health services were now left out, as the services have been transferred to the responsibility of the welfare regions since the beginning of the year.
Polls have an impact
The information collected through resident satisfaction surveys is of paramount importance when you want to develop the city and its services for the residents.
The people of Äänekoski have several ways to influence. In addition to voting in elections, making initiatives and answering resident surveys, Äänekoski can e.g. give feedback through the city's official feedback channel via, reports a phenomenon act or idea on the phenomenon website, answer the monthly resident surveys of the phenomenon meter and participate in various events and events involving residents.
How can I influence and participate?
- Vote in the elections.
- Monitor decision-making and talk with councilors and other trustees.
- Participate in events, resident associations, village evenings, village parliament and workshops.
- Give feedback and take initiatives.
- Respond to inquiries and requests for opinions.
- Apply for grants for activities.
- Run for election.
- Get involved in the activities of the youth council.
more information:
Development Manager Tanja Sulin, 050 440 0813,
News published, modified 23.5.2023 at 13:54