The joint effort of the city of Äänekoski and Kiinteistönhoidin has brought savings of millions
Work has been made more efficient and time has been saved for other activities

- At the beginning of the current council term, the trustees of Äänekoski made a bold decision when the strategic partnership operating model was implemented in cooperation between the city and Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy. The goal of the partnership was to save one million euros during the term of the council, but so far, savings of 1,36 million euros and more have already been achieved. The quality of the work has improved, trust has grown and work has become more efficient. And above all, with better cooperation, we provide our residents with a better service, mayor Matti Tuononen says.
In 2021, the city of Äänekoski and Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy signed a four-year agreement for close cooperation regarding the maintenance of properties and sports facilities, cleaning services, area maintenance, green services, courier and food transport, and security services. At the same time, it was decided that Äänekosken Kiinteistönhoito Oy provides services only to its owner, i.e. the city.
- The goal of the strategic partnership operating model is to achieve cost efficiency and better services for residents. The goal was to save one million euros, and the goal has already been quickly exceeded to 1,36 million euros. In addition to this, an additional saving target of 2024 euros was set for the year 2024 of the city's economic stabilization program, which will also be realized. In addition, through the change in the invoicing process, savings of around 300 euros have been achieved, CEO Antti Virmanen says.

"A centimeter of luxury"
So the goals have indeed been reached. Property management was able to be produced 2021 percent more efficiently between 2023 and 23 than in 2020. Anticipation and planning have increased in all operations. The contracts have also been renewed and expanded considerably, so invoicing has been improved.
Billing has been one of the magic words for measurable savings. The number of invoices between the city and Kiinteistönhoidin has decreased considerably when separate invoicing was completely abandoned. During the years 2021-2023, as many as 4 fewer invoices have been sent than in 600. With the reduction of invoices, the working time used for processing invoices has been saved by a total of around 2020 euros.
- All in all, we have already achieved savings of over 1,5 million euros at this stage, which is an absolutely amazing result. The city has shown trust in Property Management and we have succeeded brilliantly in our new cooperation. With relatively small human resources, we have achieved great results. Savings have come from the entire field and our entire staff has committed to work from all industries. The high goals were achieved beyond expectations in just three years, the branch manager of the administration Kirsi Malinen says.
- You could say that it's luxury for a cent! In Äänekoski, we have provided good services and thus a better everyday life for our residents, but at the same time at the lowest possible costs. These are the services of a good life, such as road maintenance, sports facilities and parks, city structure manager Erika Räihä toteaa.
At the same time, the economic stabilization program of the city of Äänekoski has been running, which has partly affected some services. The cost-saving measures have been implemented so that they do not visibly affect the daily life of the residents.
- The most visible savings target for the municipality is, for example, the reduction of mowing in some areas to once in the summer, says Erika Räihä.
- Despite tough goals and cost-saving measures, we have blown the coals. The trust between the city and Kiinteistöhuolto has grown as cooperation has increased. Without good cooperation, we would not have reached such wonderful results, branch manager Riitta Tikkanen thank.
According to the city's resident survey 2023, the quality of the property management service and the satisfaction of the property users with the service is at a good level. The results of the resident survey at the beginning of 2024 were also good.

Äänekoski is a pioneer
In Äänekoski, the goals are high in the development of services, and their improvement requires long-term work.
The strategic partnership model of the city of Äänekoski has also attracted interest in other municipalities, for example in neighboring Laukaa. Äänekoski is also a pioneer in the development of cooperation with its subsidiary nationwide.

For more information:
Matti Tuononen
040 572 3239
City structure manager
Erika Räihä
040 762 3811
Branch manager
Riitta Tikkanen
040 167 9805
Read more strategic partnership from our website.
News published, modified 23.8.2024 at 13:58