The Northern Central Finland employment area will start operating on January 1.1.2025, XNUMX

The Northern Central Finland employment area serves job seekers and employers from January 3.1.2025, 31.12.2024. TE offices and municipal trials will cease on December 1.1.2025, XNUMX. We offer a statutory employment service in Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevedi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini, Viitasaari and Äänekoski for job seekers and employers from January XNUMX, XNUMX. With labor services, both individual and employer clients receive advice and guidance on job search and employee recruitment as well as skills development.
The change does not require any measures from the customers of TE offices or municipal trials. We will inform you about possible subsequent changes on the website of the employment area and we will also contact you personally if necessary. There will be new contact information in the employment area, and your contact person and place of business may change in connection with the change. If you need employment services for the first time from the beginning of 2025, you can contact us and we will guide you forward. You can get the service by appointment from your own municipality.
Contact information for the Northern Central Finland employment area from 3.1.2025 January XNUMX:
- Job seekers 040 757 1653 (weekdays Mon-Fri 9am-15pm)
- Employers 040 484 1020 (weekdays Mon-Fri 9am-15pm)
- Personal customers
- Employers
There is an electronic transaction channel for job seekers and employers From the job market. The Työ online transaction services will be down from December 30.12.2024, 8 at 2.1.2025 a.m. to January 8, XNUMX at XNUMX a.m.
At the beginning of 2025, there may be congestion in the telephone services of the employment area and the online services of Työmarkkinatori.
Äänekoski's employment services are closed from 30.12.2024 to 1.1.2025, when the phone service is also closed, mail is accepted. The telephone service of the employment area will operate from January 3.1.2025, XNUMX.
News published, modified 10.12.2024 at 16:04