Tiina Mäenpää, employment regional director, is a people-oriented and results-oriented leader

A Master of Business Administration has been selected as the employment regional director for Northern Central Finland Tiina Mäenpää, 43. Mäenpää will start his position in the city of Äänekoski on 11.11.2024 November 17. There were XNUMX applications for the position.
Tiina Mäenpää has strong work experience in a wide range of employment management and management jobs, various interfaces and their management. He has worked for a long time in the city of Jyväskylä, for the first time already in 2012. Currently, Mäenpää works as a project manager in the preparation of the Jyväskylä employment area, and previously he prepared the TE reform for the whole of Central Finland. Mäenpää's work history also includes the rehabilitation service project he led. He has also worked in the TE office as a service manager.
In addition to economics, Mäenpää studied to become a rehabilitation instructor (AMK), so he also has a strong understanding of rehabilitation and maintaining work ability.
- My strength is that I have extensive experience in employment management tasks from different perspectives. I have worked for a long time on the municipal side and also worked in the TE office. I have experience with all individual customer target groups of employment services, such as young people, the long-term unemployed and those who speak foreign languages. I am also familiar with working with employers and corporate clients. Skills development services and cooperation with educational institutions are an important part of my previous work history. In addition, I have worked as a provider of employment services in the organization field, so I also understand well the perspective of a service provider in the TE reform.
He feels that employment management is a meaningful job, and the position of Äänekoski's regional director of employment immediately felt right for him.
- I feel that the values of the city of Äänekoski are also very similar to mine.
Good result and good feeling
Tiina Mäenpää thanks that Äänekoski has done very good preparatory work for the employment area and it is good to continue with that groundwork. Mäenpää already knows most of the personnel moving from the TE office to Äänekoski. Approximately 1.1.2025 new employees will move to Äänekoski from January 65, XNUMX.
- Top employment management professionals are moving to Äänekoski, thanks to which this significant change is possible. People are really important to me, and I have been a respected supervisor in previous jobs. For me, the top of the job is clearly cooperation and people, but also productivity is always in the background, says Mäenpää.
As a leader, Mäenpää wants to inspire, strengthen everyone's strengths, know-how and learn new things. He also wants to grow professionally himself.
- All kinds of people are needed. I see strengths in people and I am good at channeling things through that as well. I want to lift people up so that everyone can reach their professional full bloom. The teams I've led have always been successful and most importantly: they've had a good time there, Mäenpää emphasizes.
We succeed with cooperation
In piloting a new employment area in Äänekoski, you can develop and do something new together. The employment area of 13 municipalities in Northern Central Finland is large in terms of municipalities, which also brings enormous opportunities, according to Mäenpää. The importance of good cooperation cannot be underestimated. Mäenpää wants to strongly involve the municipalities.
- There is a lot of good in the reform and I have genuine faith that together we can build employment services that suit the needs of this region. Every municipality has a really important role in this work, says Mäenpää.
In the reform, company services and employers are also at the center. Jobs are the most important thing and the fact that the employment area is able to provide them with labor.
- We have to have a constant dialogue with the companies and employers in the region, and the conversation is extremely important. We have relatively small resources, so it is also important that it is allocated to those measures that have real meaning, i.e. companies and employers, says Mäenpää.
- The municipal vitality units and the employment area must also share responsibilities. Also here, working and genuine cooperation is everything. The employment area includes a wide variety of municipalities, and when there are many operators, everyone has their own income angle. The most important thing is to find our consensus and that also requires compromises.
Tiina Mäenpää lives with her family in Muurame. The family includes a spouse and two teenage sons. In his free time, Mäenpää moves a lot in nature and loves the forest. He plays volleyball, goes to the gym, runs or canes.

Services closer to customers
From the beginning of 2025, public employment services will be transferred from TE offices to the responsibility of municipalities. With the help of employment services, both individual and business customers receive advice and guidance for job search and employee recruitment as well as competence development. Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtipudas, Saarijärvi, Uurainen, Viitasaari and Äänekoski have established the joint Northern Central Finland employment area, the responsibility of which is the city of Äänekoski.
The employment region of Northern Central Finland is one of the largest regions in Finland in terms of the number of municipalities. The employment area director is responsible for the operation of the employment area and acts as the presenter of the joint employment area board of the 13 municipalities. Preparation of the employment area is currently being carried out e.g. in terms of moving personnel, premises, procurement, information system issues and communication.
The central goal of the reform is to bring services closer to customers. The goal is a service structure that promotes the rapid employment of employees in the best possible way and increases the productivity, availability, effectiveness and versatility of work and business services. The service is offered as a local service in every municipality of the Northern Central Finland employment area. The common goal of the 13 municipalities is that the service is produced entirely with state funding.
For more information:
City manager Matti Tuononen, 040 572 3239, matti.tuononen@aanekoski.fi
Employment regional director Tiina Mäenpää (from 11.11.2024), tiina.maenpaa@aanekoski.fi
More about preparation: https://www.aanekoski.fi/tyo-ja-yrittaminen/pohjoisen-keski-suomen-tyollisyysalueen-valmistelu
News published, modified 29.10.2024 at 14:12